# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import itertools
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from tqdm import tqdm
from collections import defaultdict
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
def points_in_convexHull(Points, hull):
Determines whether the given array of points lie inside the convex hull or outside.
:param Points: Array of points to be tested whether they lie inside the hull or not.
:type Points: numpy array
:param hull: Ellipsoid represented by a convex hull created from its outer surface points.
:type hull: Scipy's :obj:`ConvexHull` object
:returns: Boolean values representing the status. If inside: **True**, else **False**
:rtype: numpy array
.. seealso::
A = hull.equations[:, 0:-1]
b = np.transpose(np.array([hull.equations[:, -1]]))
return np.all((A @ np.transpose(Points)) <= np.tile(-b, (1, len(Points))), axis=0)
def assign_voxels_to_ellipsoid(cooDict, Ellipsoids, voxel_dict, vf_target=None):
Determines voxels belonging to each ellipsoid
:param cooDict: Voxel dictionary containing voxel IDs and center coordinates.
:type cooDict: Python dictionary
:param Ellipsoids: Ellipsoids from the packing routine.
:type Ellipsoids: list
:param voxel_dict: Element dictionary containing element IDs and nodal connectivities.
:type voxel_dict: Python dictionary
:param vf_target: target value for volume fraction of particles (optional, default: None)
:type: float
print(' Assigning voxels to grains')
if vf_target is None or vf_target > 1.0:
vf_target = 1.0
# All the voxel centers as numpy 2D array and voxel ids
test_ids = np.array(list(cooDict.keys()))
Nvox = len(test_ids)
test_points = np.array(list(cooDict.values()))
# scale factor for defining ellipsoid growth for each stage of while loop
scale = 1.0
remaining_voxels = set(list(cooDict.keys()))
assigned_voxels = set()
vf_cur = 0.
# Initialize a tqdm progress bar to the Number of voxels in the domain
pbar = tqdm(total=len(remaining_voxels))
for ellipsoid in Ellipsoids:
ellipsoid.inside_voxels = []
while vf_cur < vf_target:
# call the growth value for the ellipsoids
scale += 0.1
for ellipsoid in Ellipsoids:
# scale ellipsoid dimensions by the growth factor and generate surface points
ellipsoid.a, ellipsoid.b, ellipsoid.c = scale * ellipsoid.a, scale * ellipsoid.b, scale * ellipsoid.c
surface_points = ellipsoid.surfacePointsGen()
# Find the new surface points of the ellipsoid at their final position
new_surfPts = surface_points + ellipsoid.get_pos()
# create a convex hull from the surface points
hull = ConvexHull(new_surfPts, incremental=False)
# Find the bounding box extrema along x, y, and z
bbox_xmin, bbox_xmax = np.amin(new_surfPts[:, 0]), np.amax(new_surfPts[:, 0])
bbox_ymin, bbox_ymax = np.amin(new_surfPts[:, 1]), np.amax(new_surfPts[:, 1])
bbox_zmin, bbox_zmax = np.amin(new_surfPts[:, 2]), np.amax(new_surfPts[:, 2])
# Find the numpy indices of all voxels within the bounding box
in_bbox_idx = np.where((test_points[:, 0] >= bbox_xmin) & (test_points[:, 0] <= bbox_xmax)
& (test_points[:, 1] >= bbox_ymin) & (test_points[:, 1] <= bbox_ymax)
& (test_points[:, 2] >= bbox_zmin) & (test_points[:, 2] <= bbox_zmax))[0]
# extract the actual voxel ids and coordinates from the reduced numpy indices
bbox_testids = test_ids[in_bbox_idx] # voxels ids
bbox_testPts = test_points[in_bbox_idx] # coordinates
# check if the extracted points are within the hull
results = points_in_convexHull(bbox_testPts, hull)
# Extract the voxel ids inside the hull
inside_ids = list(bbox_testids[results])
# Check if the newly found voxels share at least 4 nodes with
# ellipsoid nodes
if not np.isclose(scale, 1.0):
# Extract single instance of all nodes currently belonging
# to the ellipsoid
all_nodes = [voxel_dict[i] for i in ellipsoid.inside_voxels]
merged_nodes = list(itertools.chain(*all_nodes))
ell_nodes = set(merged_nodes)
# Extract single instance of all nodes currently to be tested
nids = [voxel_dict[vid] for vid in inside_ids]
m_nids = list(itertools.chain(*nids))
e_nids = set(m_nids)
while True:
# Find the common nodes
common_nodes = ell_nodes.intersection(e_nids)
# If there are no nodes in the ellipsoid
if len(common_nodes) == 0 and len(ell_nodes) == 0:
# If there are more than 4 common nodes
elif len(common_nodes) >= 4:
# Find the voxels that have these common nodes
int_assigned = set()
for vid in inside_ids:
nds = voxel_dict[vid]
if len(ell_nodes.intersection(nds)) >= 4:
if len(int_assigned) != 0:
# update the ellipsoid instance and assigned set
# Remove them and test again
for i in int_assigned:
i) # Remove the assigned voxel from the list
nds = set(voxel_dict[i])
ell_nodes.update(nds) # Update the actual ellipsoid node list
e_nids -= nds # update the current node list (testing)
# If there are no common nodes
# scale ellipsoid dimensions back to original by the growth factor
ellipsoid.a, ellipsoid.b, ellipsoid.c = \
ellipsoid.a / scale, ellipsoid.b / scale, ellipsoid.c / scale
# If scale == 1.0
# Each voxel should share at least 4 nodes with the remaining voxels
for vid in inside_ids:
nds = voxel_dict[vid]
rem_ids = [i for i in inside_ids if i != vid]
all_nodes = [voxel_dict[i] for i in rem_ids]
merged_nodes = list(itertools.chain(*all_nodes))
rem_nodes = set(merged_nodes)
common_nodes = rem_nodes.intersection(nds)
if len(common_nodes) >= 4:
# update the ellipsoid instance and assigned set
# find the remaining voxels
remaining_voxels = set(list(cooDict.keys())) - assigned_voxels
# Reassign at the end of each growth cycle
reassign_shared_voxels(cooDict, Ellipsoids, voxel_dict)
# Update the test_points and ids to remaining voxels
test_ids = np.array(list(remaining_voxels))
test_points = np.array([cooDict[pt_id] for pt_id in test_ids])
# Reset the progress bar to '0' and update it and then refresh the view again
# Calculate volume fraction of assigned voxels
vf_cur = len(assigned_voxels) / Nvox
pbar.close() # Close the progress bar
def reassign_shared_voxels(cooDict, Ellipsoids, voxel_dict):
Assigns shared voxels between ellipsoids to the ellipsoid with the closest center.
:param cooDict: Voxel dictionary containing voxel IDs and center coordinates.
:type cooDict: Python dictionary
:param Ellipsoids: Ellipsoids from the packing routine.
:type Ellipsoids: list
:param voxel_dict: Dictionary of element definitions
:type voxel_dict: dict
# Find all combination of ellipsoids to check for shared voxels
combis = list(itertools.combinations(Ellipsoids, 2))
# Create a dictionary for linking voxels and their containing ellipsoids
vox_ellDict = defaultdict(set)
for cb in combis:
shared_voxels = set(cb[0].inside_voxels).intersection(cb[1].inside_voxels)
if shared_voxels:
for vox in shared_voxels:
assigned_voxel = []
if len(list(vox_ellDict.keys())) != 0:
for vox, ells in vox_ellDict.items():
# Remove the shared voxel for all the ellipsoids containing it
for el in ells:
shared_voxels = set(vox_ellDict.keys())
ncyc = 0
while len(shared_voxels) > 0 and ncyc < 5:
for vox, ells in vox_ellDict.items():
if vox in shared_voxels:
ells = list(ells)
nids = set(voxel_dict[vox])
common_nodes = dict()
len_common_nodes = list()
for ellipsoid in ells:
all_nodes = [voxel_dict[i] for i in ellipsoid.inside_voxels]
merged_nodes = list(itertools.chain(*all_nodes))
ell_nodes = set(merged_nodes)
common_nodes[ellipsoid.id] = ell_nodes.intersection(nids)
loc_common_nodes_max = \
[i for i, x in enumerate(len_common_nodes)
if x == max(len_common_nodes)]
if np.any(len_common_nodes) and max(len_common_nodes) >= 4:
if len(loc_common_nodes_max) == 1:
ells = [ells[i] for i in loc_common_nodes_max]
vox_coord = cooDict[vox] # Get the voxel position
ells_pos = np.array([el.get_pos() for el in ells]) # Get the ellipsoids positions
# Distance b/w points along three axes
XDiff = vox_coord[0] - ells_pos[:, 0] # 'x'-axis
YDiff = vox_coord[1] - ells_pos[:, 1] # 'y'-axis
ZDiff = vox_coord[2] - ells_pos[:, 2] # 'z'-axis
# Find the distance from the 1st ellipsoid
dist = np.sqrt((XDiff ** 2) + (YDiff ** 2) + (ZDiff ** 2))
clo_loc = np.where(dist == dist.min())[0] # closest ellipsoid index
clo_ells = [ells[loc] for loc in clo_loc] # closest ellipsoids
# If '1' closest ellipsoid: assign voxel to it
if len(clo_ells) == 1:
# Else: Determine the smallest and assign to it
clo_vol = np.array([ce.get_volume() for ce in clo_ells]) # Determine the volumes
small_loc = np.where(clo_vol == clo_vol.min())[0] # Smallest ellipsoid index
# small_ells = [ells[loc] for loc in clo_loc] # Smallest ellipsoids
# assign to the smallest one regardless how many are of the same volume
# small_ells[0].inside_voxels.append(vox)
ncyc += 1
def voxelizationRoutine(Ellipsoids, mesh, nphases, prec_vf=None):
The main function that controls the voxelization routine using: :meth:`kanapy.input_output.read_dump`,
:meth:`create_voxels`, :meth:`assign_voxels_to_ellipsoid`, :meth:`reassign_shared_voxels`
.. note:: 1. The RVE attributes such as RVE (Simulation domain) size, the number of voxels and the voxel resolution
is read by loading the JSON file that is generated by :meth:`kanapy.input_output.read_dump`.
2. The following dictionaries are written as json files into a folder in the current working directory.
* Node list containing coordinates.
* Element dictionary containing element ID and nodal connectivities.
* Element set dictionary containing element set ID and group of
elements each representing a grain of the RVE.
def ell2vox():
assign_voxels_to_ellipsoid(mesh.vox_center_dict, Ellipsoids, mesh.voxel_dict, vf_target=prec_vf)
# Create element sets
for ellipsoid in Ellipsoids:
if ellipsoid.inside_voxels:
# If the ellipsoid is a duplicate add the voxels to the original ellipsoid
if ellipsoid.duplicate is not None:
iel = int(ellipsoid.duplicate)
if iel not in mesh.grain_dict:
mesh.grain_dict[iel] = \
[int(iv) for iv in ellipsoid.inside_voxels]
[int(iv) for iv in ellipsoid.inside_voxels])
# Else it is the original ellipsoid
mesh.grain_dict[int(ellipsoid.id)] = \
[int(iv) for iv in ellipsoid.inside_voxels]
# If ellipsoid doesn't contain any voxel inside
# grain should be removed from list!!!
logging.debug(' Grain {0} is not voxelized, as particle {0} overlap condition is inadmissible'
# sys.exit(0)
def poly2vox():
assigned_vox = set()
for pa in Ellipsoids:
if pa.duplicate is not None:
gid = pa.duplicate
pa.inner = pa.create_poly(Ellipsoids[gid].inner.points)
gid = pa.id
vox = []
# search for voxel centers inside the polygon
for iv, ctr in mesh.vox_center_dict.items():
if pa.inner.find_simplex(ctr) >= 0:
if iv in assigned_vox:
# voxel has already been assigned to different grain.
# check nearest center and re-assign if necessary
dst1 = np.linalg.norm(ctr - pa.get_pos())
for igr, vlist in mesh.grain_dict.items():
if iv in vlist:
dst2 = np.linalg.norm(ctr - Ellipsoids[igr-1].get_pos())
if dst1 < dst2:
if gid in mesh.grain_dict.keys():
mesh.grain_dict[gid] = vox
print('Starting RVE voxelization')
# Find the voxels belonging to each grain by growing ellipsoid each time
if prec_vf is None:
prec_vf = 1.
# decide if voxels shall be assigned to ellipsoids or inner polygons
if Ellipsoids[0].inner is None:
# generate array of voxelized structure with grain IDs
# if fill_factor < 1.0, empty voxels will have grain ID 0
gr_arr = np.zeros(mesh.nvox, dtype=int)
for igr, vlist in mesh.grain_dict.items():
vlist = np.array(vlist) - 1
gr_arr[vlist] = igr
ind = np.nonzero(gr_arr == 0)[0]
if len(ind) > 0:
# some voxels have not been assigned to grains, check is assignment is required
if prec_vf is None:
for iv in ind:
gr_arr[iv] = gr_arr[iv-1] # assign voxel to neighbor grain
print(f'Warning: Assigned voxel {iv} to grain {gr_arr[iv-1]}.')
mesh.grains = np.reshape(gr_arr, mesh.dim, order='C')
# generate array of voxelized structure with phase numbers
# and dict of phase numbers for each grain
# empty voxels will get phase number 1 and be assigned to grain with key 0
ph_arr = -np.ones(mesh.nvox, dtype=int)
mesh.grain_phase_dict = dict()
mesh.ngrains_phase = np.zeros(nphases, dtype=int)
for igr, vlist in mesh.grain_dict.items():
vlist = np.array(vlist) - 1
ip = Ellipsoids[igr - 1].phasenum
ph_arr[vlist] = ip
mesh.grain_phase_dict[igr] = ip
mesh.ngrains_phase[ip] += 1
ind = np.nonzero(ph_arr < 0.0)[0]
ph_arr[ind] = 1 # assign phase 1 to empty voxels
mesh.phases = np.reshape(ph_arr, mesh.dim, order='C')
vf_cur = 1.0 - len(ind) / mesh.nvox
print('Completed RVE voxelization')
if prec_vf is not None and prec_vf < 1.0:
print('Dispersed phase (precipitates/porosity):')
print(f'Volume fraction in voxelized grains: {vf_cur:.4f}')
print(f'Target volume fraction = {prec_vf}')
mesh.prec_vf_voxels = vf_cur
if 0 in mesh.grain_dict.keys():
raise ValueError('Grain with key "0" already exists. Should be reserved for matrix phase in structures ' +
'with precipitates or porosity. Cannot continue with precipitate simulation.')
mesh.grain_dict[0] = ind + 1
mesh.grain_phase_dict[0] = 1
mesh.ngrains_phase[1] += 1
elif vf_cur < 1.0:
logging.warning(f'WARNING: {len(ind)} voxels have not been assigned to grains.')
"""Try to assign empty voxels to neighbor grain"""
return mesh