Source code for kanapy.textures

Tools for analysis of EBSD maps in form of .ang files

@author: Alexander Hartmaier, Abhishek Biswas, ICAMS, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
import os
import matlab.engine
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from kanapy.util import MTEX_DIR, ROOT_DIR, MAIN_DIR
from scipy.stats import lognorm, vonmises
import logging

[docs] class EBSDmap: """Class to store attributes and methods to import EBSD maps and filter out their statistical data needed to generate synthetic RVEs """ def __init__(self, fname, matname=None, gs_min=3, vf_min=0.03, plot=True, hist=None): """ Generate microstructural data from EBSD maps Parameters ---------- fname : str filname incl. path to EBSD file. matname : str, optional Name of material, depracted. The default is None. gs_min : int, optional Minimum grain size in pixels, smaller grains will be disregarded for the statistical analysis. The default is 3. vf_min : int, optional Minimum volume fracture, phases with smaller values will be disregarded. The default is 0.03. plot : bool, optional Plot microstructures. The default is True. Returns ------- None. Attributes ---------- ms_data : list of dict List of dictionaries with phase specific microstructure information. name : name of phase vf : volume fraction ngrain : number of grains in phase ori : matlab object with grain orientations cs : matlab object with crystal structure grains : matlab object with grains in each phase omega : orintations of major grain axis gs_param : statistical grain size parameters gs_data : grain sizesvonmises ar_param ar_data om_param om_data eng : handle for Matlab engine with MTEX data """ if matname is not None: logging.warning('Use of parameter "matname" is depracted.') if hist is None: hist = plot # start MATLAB Engine to use MTEX commands eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab() eng.addpath(MTEX_DIR, nargout=0) eng.addpath(ROOT_DIR, nargout=0) mat_path = os.path.join(MAIN_DIR, 'src', 'kanapy') eng.addpath(mat_path, nargout=0) eng.startup(nargout=0) self.eng = eng # read EBSD map and return the matlab.object of MTEX class EBSD ebsd_full = eng.EBSD.load(fname, 'convertSpatial2EulerReferenceFrame', 'setting 2') # remove not indexed pixels eng.workspace["ebsd_w"] = ebsd_full if plot: eng.plot(ebsd_full) ebsd = eng.eval("ebsd_w('indexed')") # select only indexed pixels in EBSD eng.workspace["ebsd"] = ebsd # get list of phases at each pixel in EBSD map plist = np.array(eng.getfield(ebsd, 'phase'))[:, 0] # determine number of phases and generate histogram Nphase = len(np.unique(plist)) npx = len(plist) # total number of pixels in EBSD map phist = np.histogram(plist, Nphase) # read phase names and calculate volume fractions self.ms_data = [] for i in range(Nphase): data = dict() # initialize data dictionary # generate phase-specific ebsd object in MTEX ebsd_h = eng.eval(f"ebsd('{i+1}')") data['name'] = eng.getfield(ebsd_h, 'mineral') vf = phist[0][i] / npx if vf < vf_min: break data['vf'] = vf # Texture analysis: orientation set from the EBSD ori0 = eng.getfield(ebsd_h, 'orientations') data['ori'] = eng.project2FundamentalRegion(ori0) data['cs'] = eng.getfield(ebsd_h, 'CS') # analyze grain boundaries with MTEX function grains_full = eng.calcGrains(ebsd_h, 'boundary', 'tight', 'angle', 5 * (np.pi / 180.0)) # filter out small grains eng.workspace["grains_w"] = grains_full data['grains'] = eng.eval("grains_w(grains_w.grainSize > {})" .format(gs_min)) # use MTEX function to analyze grains and plot ellipses around grain # centres; calculate orientation, long and short axes of ellipses omega_r, ha, hb = eng.principalComponents(data['grains'], nargout=3) omega = np.array(omega_r)[:, 0] data['omega'] = omega data['ngrain'] = len(omega) if plot: # plot EBSD map eng.plot(ebsd_h, data['ori']) eng.hold('on', nargout=0) # plot grain boundaries into EBSD map eng.plot(eng.getfield(data['grains'], 'boundary'), 'linewidth', 2.0, 'micronbar', 'on') # evalute centres of grains centres = eng.getfield(data['grains'], 'centroid') eng.plotEllipse(centres, ha, hb, omega_r, 'lineColor', 'r', 'linewidth', 2.0, nargout=0) eng.hold('off', nargout=0) # eng.exportgraphics(gcf,'ebsd_map.png','Resolution',300) ''' ODF plotting produces system failure, use Matlab functions # plot ODF # estimate the ODF using KDE psi = eng.deLaValleePoussinKernel('halfwidth', 5*np.pi/180.) odf = eng.calcKernelODF(self.ori, 'kernel', psi) h = [eng.Miller(1, 0, 0, self.cs), eng.Miller(1, 1, 0, self.cs), eng.Miller(1, 1, 1, self.cs)] # plot pole figure try: eng.plotPDF(odf,h,'contourf', nargout=0) eng.hold('on', nargout=0) eng.mtexColorbar except: logging.warning('ODF too large for plotting') # workaround: eng.workspace["ori"] = data['ori'] eng.workspace["cs"] = data['cs'] try: eng.eval(f"plotPDF(ori,Miller(0,0,1,cs),'points','all')", nargout=0) except: logging.warning('Plotting of orientations failed.')''' # Evaluate grain shape statistics # generate dict for statistical input for geometry module # grain equivalent diameter deq = 2.0 * np.array(eng.equivalentRadius(data['grains']))[:, 0] # dsig, doffs, dscale = # fit log normal distribution doffs = 0. deq_log = np.log(deq) dscale = med_eq = np.exp(np.median(deq_log)) # lognorm.median(dsig, loc=doffs, scale=dscale) dsig = std_eq = np.std(deq_log) # lognorm.std(dsig, loc=doffs, scale=dscale) data['gs_param'] = np.array([dsig, doffs, dscale]) data['gs_data'] = deq data['gs_moments'] = [med_eq, std_eq] if hist: # plot distribution of grain sizes fig, ax = plt.subplots() x = np.linspace(np.amin(deq), np.amax(deq), 150) y = lognorm.pdf(x, dsig, loc=doffs, scale=dscale) ax.plot(x, y, '-r', label='fit') ax.hist(deq, bins=20, density=True, label='data') plt.legend() plt.title('Histogram of grain equivalent diameters') plt.xlabel('Equivalent diameter (micron)') plt.ylabel('Normalized frequency') # grain aspect ratio asp = np.array(eng.aspectRatio(data['grains']))[:, 0] # asig, aoffs, ascale = # fit log normal distribution aoffs = 0. asp_log = np.log(asp) ascale = med_ar = np.exp(np.median(asp_log)) # lognorm.median(asig, loc=aoffs, scale=ascale) asig = std_ar = np.std(asp_log) # lognorm.std(asig, loc=aoffs, scale=ascale) data['ar_param'] = np.array([asig, aoffs, ascale]) data['ar_data'] = asp data['ar_moments'] = [med_ar, std_ar] if hist: # plot distribution of aspect ratios fig, ax = plt.subplots() x = np.linspace(np.amin(asp), np.amax(asp), 150) y = lognorm.pdf(x, asig, loc=aoffs, scale=ascale) ax.plot(x, y, '-r', label='fit lognorm') ax.hist(asp, bins=20, density=True, label='density') plt.legend() plt.title('Histogram of grain aspect ratio') plt.xlabel('aspect ratio') plt.ylabel('normalized frequency') # angles of main axis # fit von Mises distribution (circular normal distribution) to data omega_p = 2.0*omega - np.pi # rescale angles from [0, pi] to [-pi,pi] for von Mises distr. fit kappa, oloc, oscale = med_om = vonmises.median(kappa, loc=oloc) # scale parameter has no effect on vonmises distribution std_om = vonmises.std(kappa, loc=oloc) data['om_param'] = np.array([kappa, oloc]) data['om_data'] = omega_p data['om_moments'] = [med_om, std_om] if hist: fig, ax = plt.subplots() x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 200) # np.amin(omega), np.amax(omega), 150) y = vonmises.pdf(x, kappa, loc=oloc) ax.plot(0.5*(x+np.pi), 2*y, '-r', label='fit') ax.hist(omega, bins=40, density=True, label='data') plt.legend() plt.title('Histogram of tilt angles of major axes') plt.xlabel('angle (rad)') plt.ylabel('normalized frequency') print('Analyzed microstructure with {} grains.' .format(data['ngrain'])) print(f'Median values: equiv. diameter: {med_eq.round(3)} micron, ' + f'aspect ratio: {med_ar.round(3)}, ' + f'tilt angle: {(med_om * 180 / np.pi).round(3)}°') print(f'Std. dev: equivalent diameter: {std_eq.round(3)} micron, ' + f'aspect ratio: {std_ar.round(3)}, ' + f'tilt angle: {(std_om * 180 / np.pi).round(3)}°') self.ms_data.append(data) return
[docs] def calcORI(self, Ng, iphase=0, shared_area=None, nbins=12): """ Estimate optimum kernel half-width and produce reduced set of orientations for given number of grains. Parameters ---------- Ng : int Numbr of grains for which orientation is requested. iphase : int, optional Phase for which data is requested. The default is 0. shared_area : array, optional Grain boundary data. The default is None. nbins : int, optional number of bins for GB texture. The default is 12. Returns ------- ori : (Ng, 3)-array Array with Ng Euler angles. """ ms = self.ms_data[iphase] orired, odfred, ero = \ self.eng.textureReconstruction(Ng, 'orientation', ms['ori'], 'grains', ms['grains'], nargout=3) if shared_area is None: return np.array(self.eng.Euler(orired)) else: orilist, ein, eout, mbin = \ self.eng.gb_textureReconstruction(ms['grains'], orired, matlab.double(shared_area), nbins, nargout=4) return np.array(self.eng.Euler(orilist))
[docs] def showIPF(self): """ Plot IPF key. Returns ------- None. """ for ms in self.ms_data: ipfKey = self.eng.ipfColorKey(ms['ori'], nargout=1) self.eng.plot(ipfKey, nargout=0)
[docs] def get_ipf_colors(ori_list, color_key=0): """ Get colors of list of orientations (in radians). Assumes cubic crystal symmetry and cubic specimen symmetry. Parameters ---------- ori_list: (N, 3) ndarray List of N Euler angles in radians Returns ------- colors: (N, 3) ndarray List of RGB values """ # start Matlab engine eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab() eng.addpath(MTEX_DIR, nargout=0) eng.addpath(ROOT_DIR, nargout=0) mat_path = os.path.join(MAIN_DIR, 'src', 'kanapy') eng.addpath(mat_path, nargout=0) eng.startup(nargout=0) # get colors """Create possibility to pass CS to MTEX""" colors = eng.get_ipf_col(ori_list, color_key, nargout=1) return np.array(colors)
[docs] def createOriset(num, ang, omega, hist=None, shared_area=None, cs='m-3m', Nbase=10000): """ Create a set of num Euler angles according to the ODF defined by the set of Euler angles ang and the kernel half-width omega. Example: Goss texture: ang = [0, 45, 0], omega = 5 Parameters ---------- num : int Number of Euler angles in set to be created. ang : (3, ) or (M, 3) array Set of Euler angles (in degrees) defining the ODF. omega : float Half-width of kernel in degrees. hist : array, optional Histogram of MDF. The default is None. shared_area: array, optional The shared area between pairs of grains. The default in None. cs : str, optional Crystal symmetry group. The default is 'm3m'. Nbase : int, optional Base number of orientations for random texture. The default is 10000 Returns ------- ori : (num, 3) array Set of Euler angles """ # start Matlab engine eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab() eng.addpath(MTEX_DIR, nargout=0) eng.addpath(ROOT_DIR, nargout=0) mat_path = os.path.join(MAIN_DIR, 'src', 'kanapy') eng.addpath(mat_path, nargout=0) eng.startup(nargout=0) # prepare parameters deg = np.pi / 180. omega *= deg ang = np.array(ang) * deg cs_ = eng.crystalSymmetry(cs) ori = eng.orientation('Euler', float(ang[0]), float(ang[1]), float(ang[2]), cs_) psi = eng.deLaValleePoussinKernel('halfwidth', omega) odf = eng.calcKernelODF(ori, 'kernel', psi) # create artificial EBSD o = eng.calcOrientations(odf, Nbase) ori, odfred, ero = \ eng.textureReconstruction(num, 'orientation', o, 'kernel', psi, nargout=3) if hist is None: return np.array(eng.Euler(ori)) else: if shared_area is None: raise ValueError('Microstructure.shared_area must be provided if hist is given.') orilist, ein, eout, mbin = \ eng.gb_textureReconstruction(matlab.double(hist), ori, matlab.double(shared_area), len(hist), nargout=4) return np.array(eng.Euler(orilist))
[docs] def createOrisetRandom(num, omega=7.5, hist=None, shared_area=None, cs='m-3m', Nbase=5000): """ Create a set of num Euler angles for Random texture. Other than knpy.createOriset() this method does not create an artificial EBSD which is reduced in a second step to num discrete orientations but directly samples num randomly distributed orientations.s Parameters ---------- num : int Number of Euler angles in set to be created. omega : float Halfwidth of kernel in degrees (optional, default: 7.5) hist : array, optional Histogram of MDF. The default is None. shared_area: array, optional The shared area between pairs of grains. The default in None. cs : str, optional Crystal symmetry group. The default is 'm3m'. Nbase : int, optional Base number of orientations for random texture. The default is 5000 Returns ------- ori : (num, 3) array Set of Euler angles """ # start Matlab engine eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab() eng.addpath(MTEX_DIR, nargout=0) eng.addpath(ROOT_DIR, nargout=0) mat_path = os.path.join(MAIN_DIR + 'src' + 'kanapy') eng.addpath(mat_path, nargout=0) eng.startup(nargout=0) omega = omega * np.pi / 180. cs_ = eng.crystalSymmetry(cs) ot = eng.orientation.rand(Nbase, cs_) psi = eng.deLaValleePoussinKernel('halfwidth', omega) ori, odfred, ero = \ eng.textureReconstruction(num, 'orientation', ot, 'kernel', psi, nargout=3) # ori = eng.project2FundamentalRegion(ori) if hist is None: return np.array(eng.Euler(ori)) else: if shared_area is None: raise ValueError('Shared grain boundary area (geometry["GBarea"]) must be provided if hist is given.') orilist, ein, eout, mbin = \ eng.gb_textureReconstruction(matlab.double(hist), ori, matlab.double(shared_area), len(hist), nargout=4) return np.array(eng.Euler(orilist))