# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import json
from collections import defaultdict
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
class Node(object):
def __init__(self,iden,px,py,pz):
self.id = iden
self.px = px
self.py = py
self.pz = pz
# Store the original position of the node
self.oripx = px
self.oripy = py
self.oripz = pz
# Velocity of the node
self.vx = 0.
self.vy = 0.
self.vz = 0.
# Acceleration of the node
self.ax = 0.
self.ay = 0.
self.az = 0.
# List anchors connected to the node
self.anchors = []
def get_pos(self):
return np.array([self.px, self.py, self.pz])
def get_Oripos(self):
return np.array([self.oripx, self.oripy, self.oripz])
def get_vel(self):
return np.array([self.vx, self.vy, self.vz])
def update_pos(self,dt):
self.px += self.vx * dt
self.py += self.vy * dt
self.pz += self.vz * dt
def update_vel(self,dt):
self.vx += self.ax * dt
self.vy += self.ay * dt
self.vz += self.az * dt
def compute_acc(self,fx,fy,fz,mass):
self.ax = fx/mass
self.ay = fy/mass
self.az = fz/mass
""" The function readGrainFaces has some redundancies with
kanapy/input_output/extract_volume_sharedGBarea which is only used in
kanapy CLI and
kanapy/api/calcPolygons which offers more functionality, e.g. polygonization
def readGrainFaces(nodes_v,elmtDict,elmtSetDict):
RVE_min = np.amin(nodes_v, axis=0)
RVE_max = np.amax(nodes_v, axis=0)
grain_facesDict = dict() # {Grain: faces}
for gid, elset in elmtSetDict.items():
outer_faces = set() # Stores only outer face IDs
face_nodes = dict() # {Faces: nodal connectivity}
nodeConn = [elmtDict[el] for el in elset] # Nodal connectivity of a voxel
# For each voxel, re-create its 6 faces
for nc in nodeConn:
faces = [[nc[0], nc[1], nc[2], nc[3]], [nc[4], nc[5], nc[6], nc[7]],
[nc[0], nc[1], nc[5], nc[4]], [nc[3], nc[2], nc[6], nc[7]],
[nc[0], nc[4], nc[7], nc[3]], [nc[1], nc[5], nc[6], nc[2]]]
# Sort in ascending order
sorted_faces = [sorted(fc) for fc in faces]
# create face ids by joining node id's
face_ids = [int(''.join(str(c) for c in fc)) for fc in sorted_faces]
# Update {Faces: nodal connectivity} dictionary
for enum, fid in enumerate(face_ids):
if fid not in face_nodes:
face_nodes[fid] = faces[enum]
# Update the set
for fid in face_ids:
if fid not in outer_faces:
# Update {Grain: faces} dictionary
grain_facesDict[gid] = dict()
for of in outer_faces:
# Don't add faces belonging to RVE surface
conn = face_nodes[of]
n1 = nodes_v[conn[0]-1,:]
n2 = nodes_v[conn[1]-1,:]
n3 = nodes_v[conn[2]-1,:]
n4 = nodes_v[conn[3]-1,:]
if (n1[0] == n2[0] == n3[0] == n4[0] == RVE_min[0]):
if (n1[0] == n2[0] == n3[0] == n4[0] == RVE_max[0]):
if (n1[1] == n2[1] == n3[1] == n4[1] == RVE_min[1]):
if (n1[1] == n2[1] == n3[1] == n4[1] == RVE_max[1]):
if (n1[2] == n2[2] == n3[2] == n4[2] == RVE_min[2]):
if (n1[2] == n2[2] == n3[2] == n4[2] == RVE_max[2]):
grain_facesDict[gid][of] = face_nodes[of]
return grain_facesDict
def initalizeSystem(nodes_v,grain_facesDict):
# Initialize all nodes as masses
allNodes = [Node(nid+1,coords[0],coords[1],coords[2]) for nid,coords in enumerate(nodes_v)]
# Create anchors at each face center
print(' Creating anchors for the spring-mass system')
pbar = tqdm(total = len(grain_facesDict)) # progress bar tqdm
anchDict = {}
nodeAnch = defaultdict(list)
fcList = []
for gid,ginfo in grain_facesDict.items():
for fc,conn in ginfo.items():
if fc not in fcList:
n1 = nodes_v[conn[0]-1,:] # A corner node
n2 = nodes_v[conn[2]-1,:] # its opposite corner
ancrpos = ((n1[0]+n2[0])/2, (n1[1]+n2[1])/2, (n1[2]+n2[2])/2)
anchDict[fc] = ancrpos
pbar.close() # Close progress bar
# Add the anchor ID to the node class
for node in allNodes:
return allNodes,anchDict
def relaxSystem(allNodes,anchDict,dt,N,k,c,RVE_xmin,RVE_xmax,
print(' Relaxing the system for equilibrium')
nodeMass = 30
for i in tqdm(range(0, N)):
for node in allNodes:
# Force calculations
fX, fY, fZ = 0.,0.,0.
for anch in node.anchors:
anX,anY,anZ = anchDict[anch]
sfX = -k*(node.px - anX)
sfY = -k*(node.py - anY)
sfZ = -k*(node.pz - anZ)
dfX = c*node.vx
dfY = c*node.vy
dfZ = c*node.vz
fX += sfX - dfX
fY += sfY - dfY
fZ += sfZ - dfZ
# Set force components to zeros for RVE boundary nodes
if (node.oripx == RVE_xmin) or (node.oripx == RVE_xmax):
fX = 0.0
if (node.oripy == RVE_ymin) or (node.oripy == RVE_ymax):
fY = 0.0
if (node.oripz == RVE_zmin) or (node.oripz == RVE_zmax):
fZ = 0.0
# Update node positions
return allNodes
def smoothingRoutine(nodes_v, elmtDict, elmtSetDict):
#coords = np.array(list(nodes_v.values()))
xvals, yvals, zvals = nodes_v[:,0], nodes_v[:,1], nodes_v[:,2]
RVE_xmin, RVE_xmax = min(xvals), max(xvals)
RVE_ymin, RVE_ymax = min(yvals), max(yvals)
RVE_zmin, RVE_zmax = min(zvals), max(zvals)
# Find each grain's outer face ids and it's nodal connectivities
grain_facesDict = readGrainFaces(nodes_v,elmtDict,elmtSetDict)
# Initialize the spring-mass-anchor system
allNodes,anchDict = initalizeSystem(nodes_v,grain_facesDict)
# Run the simulation
dt = 0.2 # time-step
N = 100 # total steps
k = 10 # spring constant
c = 10 # damping constant
allNodes = relaxSystem(allNodes,anchDict,dt,N,k,c,RVE_xmin,
RVE_xmax,RVE_ymin, RVE_ymax,RVE_zmin,RVE_zmax)
nodes_s = np.array([[n.px, n.py, n.pz] for n in allNodes])
return nodes_s, grain_facesDict