Source code for kanapy.input_output

import os
import re
import logging
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
from kanapy.entities import Ellipsoid, Cuboid

[docs] def write_dump(Ellipsoids, sim_box): """ Writes the (.dump) files into a sub-directory "dump_files", which can be read by visualization software OVITO or imported again into Kanapy to avoid the packing simulation. :param Ellipsoids: Contains information of ellipsoids such as its position, axes lengths and tilt angles :type Ellipsoids: list :param sim_box: Contains information of the dimensions of the simulation box :type sim_box: :obj:`Cuboid` .. note:: This function writes (.dump) files containing simulation domain and ellipsoid attribute information. """ num_particles = len(Ellipsoids) cwd = os.getcwd() output_dir = os.path.join(cwd, 'dump_files') dump_outfile = os.path.join(output_dir, 'particle') # output dump file if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) with open(dump_outfile + ".{0}.dump".format(sim_box.sim_ts), 'w') as f: f.write('ITEM: TIMESTEP\n') f.write('{0}\n'.format(sim_box.sim_ts)) f.write('ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS\n') f.write('{0}\n'.format(num_particles)) f.write('ITEM: BOX BOUNDS ff ff ff\n') f.write('{0} {1}\n'.format(sim_box.left, sim_box.right)) f.write('{0} {1}\n'.format(sim_box.bottom, f.write('{0} {1}\n'.format(sim_box.back, sim_box.front)) f.write( 'ITEM: ATOMS id x y z AsphericalShapeX AsphericalShapeY AsphericalShapeZ OrientationX OrientationY ' + 'OrientationZ OrientationW\n') for ell in Ellipsoids: qw, qx, qy, qz = ell.quat f.write('{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10} {11}\n'.format(, ell.x, ell.y, ell.z, ell.a, ell.b, ell.c, qx, qy, qz, qw, ell.phasenum))
[docs] def read_dump(file): """ Reads the (.dump) file to extract information for voxelization (meshing) routine :param file: Contains information of ellipsoids generated in the packing routine. :type file: document :returns: * Cuboid object that represents the RVE. * List of ellipsoid objects that represent the grains. :rtype: Tuple of python objects (:obj:`Cuboid`, :obj:`Ellipsoid`) """ print(' Reading the .dump file for particle information') try: # Read the Simulation box dimensions with open(file, 'r+') as fd: lookup = "ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS" lookup2 = "ITEM: BOX BOUNDS ff ff ff" for num, lines in enumerate(fd, 1): if lookup in lines: number_particles = int(next(fd)) par_line_num = num + 7 if lookup2 in lines: valuesX = re.findall(r'\S+', next(fd)) RVE_minX, RVE_maxX = list(map(float, valuesX)) valuesY = re.findall(r'\S+', next(fd)) RVE_minY, RVE_maxY = list(map(float, valuesY)) valuesZ = re.findall(r'\S+', next(fd)) RVE_minZ, RVE_maxZ = list(map(float, valuesZ)) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError('.dump file not found, execute packing with option save_files=True') # Create an instance of simulation box sim_box = Cuboid(RVE_minX, RVE_maxY, RVE_maxX, RVE_minY, RVE_maxZ, RVE_minZ) # Read the particle shape & position information # Create instances for ellipsoids & assign values from dump files Ellipsoids = [] with open(file, "r") as f: count = 0 for num, lines in enumerate(f, 1): if num >= par_line_num: count += 1 values: list = re.findall(r'\S+', lines) int_values = list(map(float, values[1:])) values = [values[0]] + int_values iden = count # ellipsoid 'id' a, b, c = values[4], values[5], values[6] # Semi-major length, Semi-minor length 1 & 2 x, y, z = values[1], values[2], values[3] qx, qy, qz, qw = values[7], values[8], values[9], values[10] ip = int(values[11]) quat = np.array([qw, qx, qy, qz]) ellipsoid = Ellipsoid(iden, x, y, z, a, b, c, quat, phasenum=ip) # instance of Ellipsoid class # Find the original particle if the current is duplicate for c in values[0]: if c == '_': split_str = values[0].split("_") original_id = int(split_str[0]) ellipsoid.duplicate = original_id break else: continue Ellipsoids.append(ellipsoid) return sim_box, Ellipsoids
[docs] def export2abaqus(nodes, file, grain_dict, voxel_dict, units='mm', gb_area=None, dual_phase=False, thermal=False, ialloy=None, grain_phase_dict=None, periodic=False): r""" Creates an ABAQUS input file with microstructure morphology information in the form of nodes, elements and element sets. If "dual_phase" is true, element sets with phase numbers will be defined and assigned to materials "PHASE_{phase_id}MAT" plain material definitions for phases will be included. Otherwise, it will be assumed that each grain refers to a material "GRAIN_{}grain_id}MAT. In this case, a "_mat.inp" file with the same name trunc will be included, in which the alloy number and Euler angles for each grain must be defined. .. note:: The nodal coordinates are written out in units of 1 mm or 1 :math:`\mu` m scale, as requested by the user in the input file. """ from kanapy.initializations import NodeSets def write_node_set(name, nset): f.write(name) for i, val in enumerate(nset[:-1], start=1): if i % 16 == 0: f.write(f'{val+1}\n') else: f.write(f'{val+1}, ') f.write(f'{nset[-1]+1}\n') def write_grain_sets(): # Create element sets for grains for k, v in grain_dict.items(): f.write('*ELSET, ELSET=GRAIN{0}_SET\n'.format(k)) for enum, el in enumerate(v[:-1], start=1): if enum % 16 != 0: f.write('%d, ' % el) else: f.write('%d\n' % el) f.write('%d\n' % v[-1]) # Create sections for k in grain_dict.keys(): if grain_phase_dict is None or grain_phase_dict[k] < nall: f.write( '*Solid Section, elset=GRAIN{0}_SET, material=GRAIN{1}_MAT\n' .format(k, k)) else: f.write( '*Solid Section, elset=GRAIN{0}_SET, material=PHASE{1}_MAT\n' .format(k, grain_phase_dict[k])) ph_set.add(grain_phase_dict[k]) return def write_phase_sets(): # Create element sets for phases for k, v in grain_dict.items(): f.write('*ELSET, ELSET=PHASE{0}_SET\n'.format(k)) for enum, el in enumerate(v, start=1): if enum % 16 != 0: if enum == len(v): f.write('%d\n' % el) else: f.write('%d, ' % el) else: f.write('%d\n' % el) # Create sections for k in grain_dict.keys(): f.write( '*Solid Section, elset=PHASE{0}_SET, material=PHASE{1}_MAT\n' .format(k, k)) ph_set.add(k) return print('') print(f'Writing RVE as ABAQUS file "{file}"') # select element type if gb_area is None: if thermal: print('Using brick element type C3D8T for coupled structural-thermal analysis.') eltype = 'C3D8T' else: print('Using brick element type C3D8.') eltype = 'C3D8' else: print('Using tet element type SFM3D4.') eltype = 'SFM3D4' # select material definition if type(ialloy) is not list: ialloy = [ialloy] nall = len(ialloy) ph_set = set() # Factor used to generate nodal coordinates in 'mm' or 'um' scale if units == 'mm': scale_fact = 1.e-3 elif units == 'um': scale_fact = 1. else: raise ValueError(f'Units must be either "mm" or "um", not "{0}"' .format(units)) nsets = NodeSets(nodes) if periodic: p_eqs = None with open(file, 'w') as f: f.write('** Input file generated by kanapy\n') f.write('** Nodal coordinates scale in {0}\n'.format(units)) f.write('*HEADING\n') f.write('*PREPRINT,ECHO=NO,HISTORY=NO,MODEL=NO,CONTACT=NO\n') f.write('**\n') f.write('** PARTS\n') f.write('**\n') f.write('*Part, name=PART-1\n') f.write('*Node\n') # Create nodes for k, v in enumerate(nodes): # Write out coordinates in 'mm' or 'um' f.write('{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}\n'.format(k + 1, v[0] * scale_fact, v[1] * scale_fact, v[2] * scale_fact)) f.write('*ELEMENT, TYPE={0}\n'.format(eltype)) if gb_area is None: # export voxelized structure with regular hex mesh # Create Elements for k, v in voxel_dict.items(): f.write('{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}\n'.format( k, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5], v[6], v[7])) if dual_phase: write_phase_sets() else: write_grain_sets() else: # export smoothened structure with tetrahedral mesh fcList = {} fcNum = 0 gr_fcs = defaultdict(list) for gid, ginfo in enumerate(gb_area): for fc, conn in ginfo.items(): if fc not in fcList.keys(): fcNum += 1 fcList[fc] = fcNum f.write('%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n' % (fcNum, conn[0], conn[1], conn[2], conn[3])) gr_fcs[gid].append(fcNum) elif fc in fcList.keys(): f.write('%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n' % (fcList[fc], conn[0], conn[1], conn[2], conn[3])) gr_fcs[gid].append(fcList[fc]) for gid, fcs in gr_fcs.items(): f.write('*ELSET, ELSET=GRAIN{}_SET\n'.format(gid)) for enum, el in enumerate(fcs, start=1): if enum % 16 != 0: if enum == len(fcs): f.write('%d\n' % el) else: f.write('%d, ' % el) else: if enum == len(fcs): f.write('%d\n' % el) else: f.write('%d\n' % el) for gid, fcs in gr_fcs.items(): f.write('*SURFACE SECTION, ELSET=GRAIN{}_SET\n'.format(gid)) f.write('*End Part\n') f.write('**\n') f.write('**\n') f.write('** ASSEMBLY\n') f.write('**\n') f.write('*Assembly, name=Assembly\n') f.write('**\n') f.write('*Instance, name=PART-1-1, part=PART-1\n') f.write('*End Instance\n') f.write('**\n') f.write('** DEFINE NODE SETS\n') f.write('** 1. VERTICES\n') f.write(f'*Nset, nset=V000, instance=PART-1-1\n') f.write(f'{nsets.V000+1}\n') f.write(f'*Nset, nset=V001, instance=PART-1-1\n') f.write(f'{nsets.V001+1}\n') f.write(f'*Nset, nset=V010, instance=PART-1-1\n') f.write(f'{nsets.V010+1}\n') f.write(f'*Nset, nset=V100, instance=PART-1-1\n') f.write(f'{nsets.V100+1}\n') f.write(f'*Nset, nset=V011, instance=PART-1-1\n') f.write(f'{nsets.V011+1}\n') f.write(f'*Nset, nset=V101, instance=PART-1-1\n') f.write(f'{nsets.V101+1}\n') f.write(f'*Nset, nset=V110, instance=PART-1-1\n') f.write(f'{nsets.V110+1}\n') f.write(f'*Nset, nset=V111, instance=PART-1-1\n') f.write(f'{nsets.V111+1}\n') f.write('*Nset, nset=Vertices, instance=PART-1-1\n') f.write(f'{nsets.V000+1}, {nsets.V100+1}, {nsets.V010+1}, {nsets.V001+1}, {nsets.V011+1}, ' f'{nsets.V101+1}, {nsets.V110+1}, {nsets.V111+1}\n') f.write('** 2. EDGES\n') write_node_set('*Nset, nset=Ex00, instance=PART-1-1\n', nsets.Ex00) write_node_set('*Nset, nset=Ex01, instance=PART-1-1\n', nsets.Ex01) write_node_set('*Nset, nset=Ex10, instance=PART-1-1\n', nsets.Ex10) write_node_set('*Nset, nset=Ex11, instance=PART-1-1\n', nsets.Ex11) write_node_set('*Nset, nset=E0y0, instance=PART-1-1\n', nsets.E0y0) write_node_set('*Nset, nset=E0y1, instance=PART-1-1\n', nsets.E0y1) write_node_set('*Nset, nset=E1y0, instance=PART-1-1\n', nsets.E1y0) write_node_set('*Nset, nset=E1y1, instance=PART-1-1\n', nsets.E1y1) write_node_set('*Nset, nset=E00z, instance=PART-1-1\n', nsets.E00z) write_node_set('*Nset, nset=E01z, instance=PART-1-1\n', nsets.E01z) write_node_set('*Nset, nset=E10z, instance=PART-1-1\n', nsets.E10z) write_node_set('*Nset, nset=E11z, instance=PART-1-1\n', nsets.E11z) f.write('** 3. FACES\n') write_node_set(f'*Nset, nset=Fxy0, instance=PART-1-1\n', nsets.Fxy0) write_node_set(f'*Nset, nset=Fxy1, instance=PART-1-1\n', nsets.Fxy1) write_node_set(f'*Nset, nset=Fx0z, instance=PART-1-1\n', nsets.Fx0z) write_node_set(f'*Nset, nset=Fx1z, instance=PART-1-1\n', nsets.Fx1z) write_node_set(f'*Nset, nset=F0yz, instance=PART-1-1\n', nsets.F0yz) write_node_set(f'*Nset, nset=F1yz, instance=PART-1-1\n', nsets.F1yz) f.write('**\n') f.write('*End Assembly\n') f.write('**\n') f.write('**\n') f.write('** MATERIALS\n') f.write('**\n') if dual_phase: # declare plane materials for Abaqus standard materials for each phase for i in ph_set: f.write('**\n') f.write('*Material, name=PHASE{}_MAT\n'.format(i)) f.write('**Include, input=Material{}.inp\n'.format(i)) f.write('**\n') else: # declare plane materials for Abaqus standard materials for i in ph_set: f.write('**\n') f.write('*Material, name=PHASE{}_MAT\n'.format(i)) # include file with definition for CP parameters for each grain f.write('**\n') f.write('*Include, input={}mat.inp\n'.format(file[0:-8])) f.write('**\n') f.write('**Include, input=REM_PART.inp\n') # prepare include for BC and step definitions print('---->DONE!\n') return
[docs] def writeAbaqusMat(ialloy, angles, file=None, path='./', grain_phase_dict=None, nsdv=200): """ Export Euler angles to Abaqus input deck that can be included in the _geom.inp file. If parameter "grain_phase_dict" is given, the phase number for each grain will be used to select the corresponding ialloy from a list. If the list ialloy is shorter than the number of phases in grain_phase_dict, no angles for phases with no corresponding ialloy will be written. Parameters: ----------- ialloy : int or list Identifier, alloy number in ICAMS CP-UMAT: mod_alloys.f angles : dict or (N, 3)-ndarray Dict with Euler angles for each grain or array with number of N rows (= number of grains) and three columns phi1, Phi, phi2 file : str Filename, optional (default: None) path : str Path to save file, option (default: './') grain_phase_dict: dict Dict with phase for each grain, optional (default: None) nsdv : int Number of state dependant variables, optional (default: 200) """ if type(ialloy) is not list: ialloy = [ialloy] nall = len(ialloy) if type(angles) is not dict: # converting (N, 3) ndarray to dict gr_ori_dict = dict() for igr, ori in enumerate(angles): gr_ori_dict[igr+1] = ori else: gr_ori_dict = angles nitem = len(gr_ori_dict.keys()) if file is None: file = f'abq_px_{nitem}_mat.inp' path = os.path.normpath(path) file = os.path.join(path, file) with open(file, 'w') as f: f.write('**\n') f.write('** MATERIALS\n') f.write('**\n') for igr, ori in gr_ori_dict.items(): if grain_phase_dict is None: ip = 0 else: ip = grain_phase_dict[igr] if ip > nall - 1: continue f.write('*Material, name=GRAIN{}_MAT\n'.format(igr)) f.write('*Depvar\n') f.write(' {}\n'.format(nsdv)) f.write('*User Material, constants=4\n') f.write('{}, {}, {}, {}\n'.format(float(ialloy[ip]), ori[0], ori[1], ori[2])) return
""" Function not used def writeAbaqusPhase(grains, nsdv=200): with open('Material.inp', 'w') as f: f.write('** MATERIALS\n') f.write('**\n') for i in range(len(grains)): f.write('*Material, name=GRAIN{}_mat\n'.format(i + 1)) f.write('*Depvar\n') f.write(' {}\n'.format(nsdv)) f.write('*User Material, constants=1\n') f.write('{}\n'.format(float(grains[i + 1]['PhaseID']))) return """
[docs] def pickle2microstructure(file, path='./'): """Read pickled microstructure file. Parameters ---------- file : string File name of pickled microstructure to be read. path : string Path under which pickle-files are stored (optional, default: './') Returns ------- pcl : Material object unpickled microstructure """ import pickle if file is None: raise ValueError('Name for pickled microstructure must be given.') fname = os.path.join(path, file) with open(fname, 'rb') as inp: pcl = pickle.load(inp) return pcl
[docs] def import_voxels(file, path='./'): import json import copy from kanapy.api import Microstructure from kanapy.initializations import RVE_creator, mesh_creator from kanapy.entities import Simulation_Box if file is None: raise ValueError('Name for voxel file must be given.') fname = os.path.join(path, file) data = json.load(open(fname)) # extract basic model information sh = tuple(data['Data']['Shape']) nvox = size = tuple(data['Model']['Size']) gr_numbers = np.unique(data['Data']['Values']) grain_keys = np.asarray(gr_numbers, dtype=str) grains = np.reshape(data['Data']['Values'], sh, order=data['Data']['Order']) ph_names = data['Model']['Phase_names'] nphases = len(ph_names) phases = np.zeros(nvox, dtype=int) grain_dict = dict() grain_phase_dict = dict() gr_arr = grains.flatten(order='C') if 'Grains' in data.keys(): if 'Orientation' in data['Grains'][grain_keys[-1]].keys(): grain_ori_dict = dict() else: grain_ori_dict = None phase_vf = np.zeros(nphases) ngrain = np.zeros(nphases, dtype=int) for igr in gr_numbers: ind = np.nonzero(gr_arr == igr)[0] nv = len(ind) ip = data['Grains'][str(igr)]['Phase'] phase_vf[ip] += nv grain_dict[int(igr)] = ind + 1 grain_phase_dict[int(igr)] = ip ngrain[ip] += 1 phases[ind] = ip if grain_ori_dict is not None: if 'Orientation' in data['Grains'][str(igr)].keys(): grain_ori_dict[igr] = data['Grains'][str(igr)]['Orientation'] else: grain_ori_dict[igr] = None phase_vf /= nvox if not np.isclose(np.sum(phase_vf), 1.): logging.warning(f'Volume fractions do not add up to 1: {phase_vf}') else: # no grain-level information in data grain_ori_dict = None if nphases > 1: logging.error('No grain-level information in data file.' + 'Cannot extract phase information or orientations.' + 'Continuing with single phase model.') nphases = 1 for igr in gr_numbers: ind = np.nonzero(gr_arr == igr)[0] grain_dict[int(igr)] = ind + 1 grain_phase_dict[int(igr)] = 0 ngrain = [len(grain_keys)] phase_vf = [1.] # reconstructing microstructure information for RVE stats_dict = { 'RVE': {'sideX': size[0], 'sideY': size[1], 'sideZ': size[2], 'Nx': sh[0], 'Ny': sh[1], 'Nz': sh[2]}, 'Simulation': {'periodicity': data['Model']['Periodicity'], 'output_units': data['Model']['Units']['Length']}, 'Phase': {'Name': 'Simulanium', 'Volume fraction': 1.0} } # add phase information and construct list of stats_dict's stats_list = [] for i in range(nphases): stats_dict['Phase']['Name'] = ph_names[i] stats_dict['Phase']['Volume fraction'] = phase_vf[i] stats_list.append(copy.deepcopy(stats_dict)) # Create microstructure object ms = Microstructure('from_voxels') = data['Model']['Material'] ms.Ngr = np.sum(ngrain) ms.nphases = nphases ms.descriptor = stats_list ms.ngrains = ngrain ms.rve = RVE_creator(stats_list, from_voxels=True) ms.simbox = Simulation_Box(size) # initialize voxel structure (= mesh) ms.mesh = mesh_creator(sh) ms.mesh.grains = grains ms.mesh.grain_dict = grain_dict ms.mesh.grain_ori_dict = grain_ori_dict ms.mesh.phases = phases.reshape(sh, order='C') ms.mesh.grain_phase_dict = grain_phase_dict ms.mesh.ngrains_phase = ngrain if 0 in ms.mesh.grain_dict.keys(): porosity = len(ms.mesh.grain_dict[0]) / nvox ms.precipit = porosity ms.mesh.prec_vf_voxels = porosity # import or create mesh voxel_dict = dict() vox_centerDict = dict() if 'Mesh' in data.keys(): nodes = np.array(data['Mesh']['Nodes']['Values']) for i, el in enumerate(data['Mesh']['Voxels']['Values']): voxel_dict[i + 1] = el ind = np.array(el, dtype=int) - 1 vox_centerDict[i + 1] = np.mean(nodes[ind], axis=0) ms.mesh.voxel_dict = voxel_dict ms.mesh.vox_center_dict = vox_centerDict ms.mesh.nodes = nodes else: ms.mesh.create_voxels(ms.simbox) print('\n Voxel structure imported.\n') return ms
[docs] def write_stats(stats, file, path='./'): """ Write statistical descriptors of microstructure to JSON file. Parameters ---------- file : string File name of pickled microstructure to be read. path : string Path under which pickle-files are stored (optional, default: './') Returns ------- desc : list or dict (List of) dict with statistical microstructure descriptors """ import json if stats is None: raise ValueError('List or dict with microstructure descriptors must be given.') if file is None: raise ValueError('Name for json file with microstructure descriptors must be given.') file = os.path.join(path, file) with open(file, 'w') as fp: json.dump(stats, fp)
[docs] def import_stats(file, path='./'): """ Write statistical descriptors of microstructure to JSON file. Parameters ---------- file : string File name of pickled microstructure to be read. path : string Path under which pickle-files are stored (optional, default: './') Returns ------- desc : list or dict (List of) dict with statistical microstructure descriptors """ import json if file is None: raise ValueError('Name for json file with microstructure descriptors must be given.') file = os.path.join(path, file) with open(file, 'r') as inp: desc = json.load(inp) return desc