Classes for RVE and mesh initialization
Authors: Mahesh Prassad, Abhishek Biswas, Alexander Hartmaier
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
March 2024
import json
import os
import numpy as np
import logging
import itertools
from scipy.stats import lognorm, vonmises
from collections import defaultdict
def stat_names(legacy=False):
if legacy:
sig = 'std'
loc = 'offs'
scale = 'mean'
kappa = 'kappa'
sig = 'sig'
loc = 'loc'
scale = 'scale'
kappa = 'kappa'
return sig, loc, scale, kappa
class RVE_creator(object):
Creates an RVE based on user-defined statistics
.. note:: 1. Input parameters provided by the user in the input file are:
* Standard deviation for ellipsoid equivalent diameter (Log-normal distribution)
* Mean value of ellipsoid equivalent diameter (Log-normal distribution)
* Minimum and Maximum cut-offs for ellipsoid equivalent diameters
* Mean value for aspect ratio
* Mean value for ellipsoid tilt angles (Normal distribution)
* Standard deviation for ellipsoid tilt angles (Normal distribution)
* Side dimension of the RVE
* Discretization along the RVE sides
2. Particle, RVE and simulation data are written as JSON files in a folder in the current
working directory for later access.
* Ellipsoid attributes such as Major, Minor, Equivalent diameters and its tilt angle.
* RVE attributes such as RVE (Simulation domain) size, the number of voxels and the voxel resolution.
* Simulation attributes such as periodicity and output unit scale (:math:`mm`
or :math:`\mu m`) for ABAQUS .inp file.
Generates ellipsoid size distribution (Log-normal) based on user-defined statistics
.. note:: 1. Input parameters provided by the user in the input file are:
* Standard deviation for ellipsoid equivalent diameter (Normal distribution)
* Mean value of ellipsoid equivalent diameter (Normal distribution)
* Minimum and Maximum cut-offs for ellipsoid equivalent diameters
* Mean value for aspect ratio
* Mean value for ellipsoid tilt angles (Normal distribution)
* Standard deviation for ellipsoid tilt angles (Normal distribution)
* Side dimension of the RVE
* Discretization along the RVE sides
2. Particle, RVE and simulation data are written as JSON files in a folder in the current
working directory for later access.
* Ellipsoid attributes such as Major, Minor, Equivalent diameters and its tilt angle.
* RVE attributes such as RVE (Simulation domain) size, the number of voxels and the voxel resolution.
* Simulation attributes such as periodicity and output unit scale (:math:`mm`
or :math:`\mu m`) for ABAQUS .inp file.
def __init__(self, stats_dicts, nsteps=1000, from_voxels=False, poly=None):
Create an RVE object.
packing_steps = nsteps # max number of steps for packing simulation
size = None # tuple of lengths along Cartesian axes
dim = None # tuple of number of voxels along Cartesian axes
periodic = None # Boolean for periodicity of RVE
units = None # Units of RVE dimensions, either "mm" or "um" (micron)
nparticles = [] # list of particle numbers for each phase
particle_data = [] # list of cits for statistical particle data for each grains
phase_names = [] # list of names of phases
phase_vf = [] # list of volume fractions of phases
ialloy : int
Number of alloy in ICAMS CP-UMAT
def init_particles(ip):
Extract statistical microstructure information from data dictionary
and initalize particles for packing accordingly
def gen_data_basic(pdict):
"""Computes number of particles according to equivalent diameter distribution
and initializes particle ensemble with individual diameters approximating
this lognormal distribution.
# Compute the Log-normal CDF according to parameters for equiv. diameter distrib.
xaxis = np.linspace(0.1, 200, 1000)
ycdf = lognorm.cdf(xaxis, s=sig_ED, loc=loc_ED, scale=scale_ED)
# Get the mean value for each pair of neighboring points as centers of bins
xaxis = np.vstack([xaxis[1:], xaxis[:-1]]).mean(axis=0)
# Based on the cutoff specified, get the restricted distribution
index_array = np.where((xaxis >= dia_cutoff_min) & (xaxis <= dia_cutoff_max))
eq_Dia = xaxis[index_array] # Selected diameters within the cutoff
# Compute the number fractions and extract them based on the cut-off
number_fraction = np.ediff1d(ycdf) # better use lognorm.pdf
numFra_Dia = number_fraction[index_array]
# Volume of each ellipsoid
volume_array = (4 / 3) * np.pi * (0.5 * eq_Dia) ** 3
# Volume fraction for each ellipsoid
individualK = np.multiply(numFra_Dia, volume_array)
K = individualK / np.sum(individualK)
# Total number of ellipsoids for packing density given by volume fraction
ip = pdict['Phase']
num_f = np.divide(K * phase_vf[ip] * np.prod(self.size), volume_array)
"""print(f'Particle numbers: {num_f}')
print(f'Total volume of particles: {np.sum(np.multiply(num_f, volume_array))}')"""
# Rounding particle numbers to integer values keeping total volume constant
num = np.zeros(len(num_f), dtype=int)
rest = 0.0
for i, val in enumerate(num_f):
v1 = np.rint(val).astype(int)
rest += v1 - val
if abs(rest) > 1.0:
sr = np.sign(rest).astype(int)
rest -= sr
v1 -= sr
num[i] = v1
"""print(f'Volume after rounding: {np.sum(np.multiply(num, volume_array))}')
print(f'Particle numbers: {num}')
print(f'Phase volume fraction: {phase_vf[ip]}')"""
totalEllipsoids = int(np.sum(num))
# Duplicate the diameter values
eq_Dia = np.repeat(eq_Dia, num)
# Raise value error in case the RVE side length is too small to fit grains inside.
if len(eq_Dia) == 0:
raise ValueError(
'RVE volume too small to fit grains inside, please increase the RVE side length (or) ' +
'decrease the mean size for diameters!')
# Voxel resolution : Smallest dimension of the smallest ellipsoid should contain at least 3 voxels
voxel_size = np.divide(self.size, self.dim)
# raise value error if voxel sizes along the 3 directions are not equal
dif1 = np.abs(voxel_size[0] - voxel_size[1])
dif2 = np.abs(voxel_size[1] - voxel_size[2])
dif3 = np.abs(voxel_size[2] - voxel_size[0])
if (dif1 > 1.e-5) or (dif2 > 1.e-5) or (dif3 > 1.e-5):
raise ValueError('Voxels are not cubic, voxel sizes must be identical in all directions.')
# raise value error in case the grains are not voxelated well
if voxel_size[0] >= np.amin(eq_Dia) / 3.:
logging.warning(" ")
logging.warning(f" Grains with minimum size {np.amin(eq_Dia)} will not be voxelated well!")
logging.warning(f" Voxel size is {voxel_size[0]}")
logging.warning(" Consider increasing the voxel numbers (OR) decreasing the RVE side lengths\n")
if voxel_size[0] > np.amin(eq_Dia):
raise ValueError(' Voxel size larger than minimum grain size.')
# raise warning if large grain occur in periodic box
if np.amax(eq_Dia) >= self.size[0] * 0.5 and self.periodic:
logging.warning(" Periodic box with grains larger than half of box width.")
logging.warning(" Check grain RVE carefully.")
print(f' Analyzed statistical data for phase {phase_names[-1]} ({ip})')
print(f' Total number of particles = {totalEllipsoids}')
pdict['Number'] = totalEllipsoids
pdict['Equivalent_diameter'] = list(eq_Dia)
return pdict
def gen_data_elong(pdict):
# Tilt angle statistics
# Sample from Normal distribution: It takes mean and std of normal distribution
tilt_angle = []
num = pdict['Number']
iter = 0
while num > 0:
tilt = vonmises.rvs(kappa, loc=loc_ori, size=num)
index_array = np.where((tilt >= ori_cutoff_min) & (tilt <= ori_cutoff_max))
TA = tilt[index_array].tolist()
num = pdict['Number'] - len(tilt_angle)
iter += 1
if iter > 10000:
raise StopIteration('Iteration for tilt angles did not converge in 10000 iterations.'
'Increase cutoff range to assure proper generation of particles.')
# Aspect ratio statistics
# Sample from lognormal or gamma distribution:
# it takes mean, std and scale of the underlying normal distribution
finalAR = []
num = pdict['Number']
iter = 0
while num > 0:
ar = lognorm.rvs(sig_AR, loc=loc_AR, scale=scale_AR, size=num)
index_array = np.where((ar >= ar_cutoff_min) & (ar <= ar_cutoff_max))
AR = ar[index_array].tolist()
num = pdict['Number'] - len(finalAR)
iter += 1
if iter > 10000:
raise StopIteration('Iteration for aspect ratios did not converge in 10000 iterations.'
'Increase cutoff range to assure proper generation of particles.')
finalAR = np.array(finalAR)
# Calculate the major, minor axes lengths for particles using:
# (4/3)*pi*(r**3) = (4/3)*pi*(a*b*c) & b=c & a=AR*b
minDia = pdict['Equivalent_diameter'] / finalAR ** (1 / 3) # Minor axis length
majDia = minDia * finalAR # Major axis length
minDia2 = minDia.copy() # Minor2 axis length (assuming rotational shape)
# Add data to dictionary to store the data generated
pdict['Major_diameter'] = list(majDia)
pdict['Minor_diameter1'] = list(minDia)
pdict['Minor_diameter2'] = list(minDia2)
pdict['Tilt angle'] = list(tilt_angle)
return pdict
# start of particle initialization
# analyze information on grains in "stats" dictionary from outer scope
# 1. Attributes for equivalent diameter
if 'mean' in stats['Equivalent diameter'].keys():
# load legacy names to ensure compatibility with previous versions
sig, loc, scale, kappa = stat_names(legacy=True)
logging.warning('Keys for descriptor parameters have changed.\n' +
'Please exchange std->sig, offs->loc, mean->scale')
sig, loc, scale, kappa = stat_names(legacy=False)
sig_ED = stats["Equivalent diameter"][sig]
scale_ED = stats["Equivalent diameter"][scale]
if loc in stats["Equivalent diameter"].keys():
loc_ED = stats["Equivalent diameter"][loc]
loc_ED = 0.0
dia_cutoff_min = stats["Equivalent diameter"]["cutoff_min"]
dia_cutoff_max = stats["Equivalent diameter"]["cutoff_max"]
if dia_cutoff_min / dia_cutoff_max > 0.75:
raise ValueError('Min/Max values for cutoffs of equiavalent diameter are too close: ' +
f'Max: {dia_cutoff_max}, Min: {dia_cutoff_min}')
# generate dict for basic particle data: number of particles and equiv. diameters
pdict = gen_data_basic(dict({'Type': stats["Grain type"], 'Phase': ip}))
# 2. Additional attributes for elongated or freely-defined grains
if stats["Grain type"] == "Elongated":
# Extract descriptors for aspect ratio distrib. from dict
sig_AR = stats["Aspect ratio"][sig]
scale_AR = stats["Aspect ratio"][scale]
if loc in stats["Aspect ratio"].keys():
loc_AR = stats["Aspect ratio"][loc]
loc_AR = 0.0
ar_cutoff_min = stats["Aspect ratio"]["cutoff_min"]
ar_cutoff_max = stats["Aspect ratio"]["cutoff_max"]
if ar_cutoff_min / ar_cutoff_max > 0.75:
raise ValueError('Min/Max values for cutoffs of aspect ratio are too close: ' +
f'Max: {ar_cutoff_max}, Min: {ar_cutoff_min}')
# Extract grain tilt angle statistics info from dict
kappa = stats["Tilt angle"][kappa]
loc_ori = stats["Tilt angle"][loc]
ori_cutoff_min = stats["Tilt angle"]["cutoff_min"]
ori_cutoff_max = stats["Tilt angle"]["cutoff_max"]
if ori_cutoff_min / ori_cutoff_max > 0.75:
raise ValueError('Min/Max values for cutoffs of orientation of tilt axis are too close: ' +
f'Max: {ori_cutoff_max}, Min: {ori_cutoff_min}')
# Add attributes for elongated particle to dictionary
pdict = gen_data_elong(pdict)
elif stats["Grain type"] == "Free":
from kanapy.triple_surface import gen_data_free
raise ModuleNotFoundError('Free grain definitions are not available '
'in the public version of Kanapy.')
# Add attributes for elongated particle to dictionary
pdict = gen_data_free(pdict, stats)
return pdict
return pdict
# Start RVE generation
if from_voxels:
print('Creating an RVE from voxel input')
print('Creating an RVE based on user defined statistics')
# declare attributes of RVE object
self.packing_steps = nsteps # max number of steps for packing simulation
self.size = None # tuple of lengths along Cartesian axes
self.dim = None # tuple of number of voxels along Cartesian axes
self.periodic = None # Boolean for periodicity of RVE
self.units = None # Units of RVE dimensions, either "mm" or "um" (micron)
self.ialloy = None # Number of alloy in ICAMS CP-UMAT
phase_names = [] # list of names of phases
phase_vf = [] # list of volume fractions of phases
ialloy = []
if from_voxels:
self.particle_data = None
self.nparticles = None
self.particle_data = [] # list of cits for statistical particle data for each grains
self.nparticles = [] # List of article numbers for each phase
# extract data from descriptors of individual phases
for ip, stats in enumerate(stats_dicts):
# Extract RVE side lengths and voxel numbers, must be provided for phase 0
if 'RVE' in stats.keys():
size = (stats["RVE"]["sideX"],
nvox = (int(stats["RVE"]["Nx"]),
if self.size is None:
self.size = size
if self.size != size:
logging.warning(f'Conflicting RVE sizes in descriptors: {self.size}, {size}.' +
'Using first value.')
if self.dim is None:
self.dim = nvox
if self.dim != nvox:
logging.warning(f'Conflicting RVE voxel dimensions in descriptors: {self.dim}, {nvox}.' +
'Using first value.')
# Extract Alloy number for ICAMS CP-UMAT
if "ialloy" in stats['RVE'].keys():
elif ip == 0:
raise ValueError('RVE properties must be specified in descriptors for first phase.')
# Extract other simulation attributes, must be specified for phase 0
if "Simulation" in stats.keys():
peri = stats["Simulation"]["periodicity"]
if type(peri) is bool:
periodic = peri
periodic = True if peri == 'True' else False
if self.periodic is None:
self.periodic = periodic
elif self.periodic != periodic:
logging.warning(f'Inconsistent values for periodicity. Using periodicity: {self.periodic}.')
units = str(stats["Simulation"]["output_units"])
# Raise ValueError if units are not specified as 'mm' or 'um'
if units != 'mm' and units != 'um':
raise ValueError('Output units can only be "mm" or "um"!')
if self.units is None:
self.units = units
elif self.units != units:
logging.warning(f'Inconsistent values for units. Using units: {self.units}.')
elif ip == 0:
raise ValueError('Simulation attributes must be specified in descriptors for first phase.')
# Extract phase information
if "Phase" in stats.keys():
phase_vf.append(stats["Phase"]["Volume fraction"])
phase_vf.append(1. - np.sum(phase_vf)) # volume fraction can only be unspecified for last phase
if np.sum(phase_vf) > 1.:
raise ValueError(f"Sum of all phase fractions exceeds 1: {phase_vf}")
# Extract grains shape attributes to initialize particles
if not from_voxels:
if stats["Grain type"] not in ["Elongated", "Equiaxed", "Free"]:
raise ValueError('The value for "Grain type" must be either "Equiaxed" or "Elongated".')
part_dict = init_particles(ip)
print(' RVE characteristics:')
print(f' RVE side lengths (X, Y, Z) = {self.size} ({self.units})')
print(f' Number of voxels (X, Y, Z) = {self.dim}')
print(f' Voxel resolution (X, Y, Z) = {np.divide(self.size, self.dim).round(4)}' +
print(f' Total number of voxels = {np.prod(self.dim)}\n')
print('\nConsidered phases (volume fraction): ')
for ip, name in enumerate(phase_names):
print(f'{ip}: {name} ({phase_vf[ip] * 100.}%)')
self.phase_names = phase_names
self.phase_vf = phase_vf
nall = len(ialloy)
if nall > 0:
if nall != len(phase_vf):
logging.warning(f'{nall} values of "ialloy" provided, but only {len(phase_vf)} phases defined.')
self.ialloy = ialloy
class mesh_creator(object):
def __init__(self, dim):
Create a mesh object.
dim: 3-tuple for dimensions of mesh (numbers of voxels in each Cartesian direction)
self.dim = dim # dimension tuple: number of voxels in each Cartesian direction
self.nvox = np.prod(dim) # number of voxels
self.phases = np.zeros(dim, dtype=int) # field data with phase numbers
self.grains = np.zeros(dim, dtype=int) # field data with grain numbers
self.voxel_dict = dict() # stores nodes assigned to each voxel (key; voxel number:int)
self.grain_dict = dict() # stored voxels assigned to each grain (key: grain number:int
self.nodes = None # array of nodal positions
self.nodes_smooth = None # array of nodal positions after smoothening grain boundaries
if not (type(dim) is tuple and len(dim) == 3):
raise ValueError(f"Dimension dim must be a 3-tuple, not {type(dim)}, {dim}")
self.dim = dim # dimension tuple: number of voxels in each Cartesian direction
self.nvox = np.prod(dim) # number of voxels
self.grains = None
self.phases = None
self.grain_dict = dict() # voxels assigned to each grain (key: grain number:int)
self.grain_phase_dict = None # phases per grain (key: grain number:int)
self.grain_ori_dict = None # orientations per grain (key: grain number:int)
self.voxel_dict = defaultdict(list) # dictionary to store list of node ids for each element
self.vox_center_dict = dict() # dictionary to store center of each voxel as 3-tupel
self.nodes = None # array of nodal positions
self.nodes_smooth = None # array of nodal positions after smoothening grain boundaries
self.prec_vf_voxels = None # actual volume fraction of precipitates in voxelated structure
def get_ind(self, addr):
Return the index in an array from a generic address.
if addr is None:
ind = None
elif len(addr) == 0:
ind = addr
elif len(addr) == 3:
ind = addr[0] * self.dim[1] * self.dim[2] + addr[1] * self.dim[1] + addr[2]
raise ValueError(f"Address must be a single int or a 3-tuple, not {type(addr)}, {addr}.")
return ind
def create_voxels(self, sim_box):
Generates voxels inside the defined RVE (Simulation box)
:param sim_box: Simulation box representing RVE dimensions
:type sim_box: :obj:`entities.Cuboid`
:returns: * Node list containing coordinates.
* Element dictionary containing element IDs and nodal connectivities.
* Voxel dictionary containing voxel ID and center coordinates.
:rtype: Tuple of Python dictionaries.
print(' Generating voxels inside RVE')
# generate nodes of all voxels from RVE side dimensions
lim_minX, lim_maxX = sim_box.left, sim_box.right
lim_minY, lim_maxY = sim_box.top, sim_box.bottom
lim_minZ, lim_maxZ = sim_box.front, sim_box.back # define the cuboidal RVE limits
# generate points within these limits
pointsX = np.linspace(lim_minX, lim_maxX, num=self.dim[0] + 1, endpoint=True)
pointsY = np.linspace(lim_minY, lim_maxY, num=self.dim[1] + 1, endpoint=True)
pointsZ = np.linspace(lim_minZ, lim_maxZ, num=self.dim[2] + 1, endpoint=True)
# duplicate neighbouring points
pointsX_dup = [(first, second) for first, second in zip(pointsX, pointsX[1:])]
pointsY_dup = [(first, second) for first, second in zip(pointsY, pointsY[1:])]
pointsZ_dup = [(first, second) for first, second in zip(pointsZ, pointsZ[1:])]
verticesDict = {} # dictionary to store vertices
node_count = 0
elmt_count = 0
# loop over the duplicate pairs
for (mi, ni), (mj, nj), (mk, nk) in itertools.product(pointsX_dup, pointsY_dup, pointsZ_dup):
# Find the center of each voxel and update the center dictionary
elmt_count += 1
self.vox_center_dict[elmt_count] = (0.5 * (mi + ni), 0.5 * (mj + nj), 0.5 * (mk + nk))
# group the 8 nodes of an element and update node & element dictionary accordingly
# C3D8 element connectivity is maintained by this list (DON'T change this order)
vertices = [(ni, mj, nk), (ni, mj, mk), (mi, mj, mk), (mi, mj, nk),
(ni, nj, nk), (ni, nj, mk), (mi, nj, mk), (mi, nj, nk)]
for coo in vertices:
if coo not in verticesDict.keys():
node_count += 1
verticesDict[coo] = node_count
# nodal positions array
self.nodes = np.zeros((node_count, 3))
for pos, i in verticesDict.items():
self.nodes[i - 1, :] = pos
def set_stats(grains, ar=None, omega=None, deq_min=None, deq_max=None,
asp_min=None, asp_max=None, omega_min=None, omega_max=None,
size=100, voxels=60, gtype='Elongated', rveunit='um',
periodicity=False, VF=None, phasename=None, phasenum=None,
grains = [sigma, loc , scale of lognorm distrib. of equiv. diameter]
ar = [sigma, loc, scale of logorm distrib of aspect ratio]
omega = [kappa, loc of von Mises distrib. of tilt angle]
# type of grains either 'Elongated' or 'Equiaxed'
if not (gtype == 'Elongated' or gtype == 'Equiaxed'):
raise ValueError('Wrong grain type given in set_stats: {}'
if gtype == 'Elongated' and (ar is None or omega is None):
raise ValueError('If elliptical grains are specified, aspect ratio ' +
'(ar) and orientation (omega) need to be given.')
if gtype == 'Equiaxed' and (ar is not None or omega is not None):
logging.warning('Equiaxed grains have been specified, but aspect ratio' +
' (ar) and orientation (omega) have been provided. ' +
'Will change grain type to "Elongated".')
gtype = 'Elongated'
# define cutoff values
# cutoff deq
if deq_min is None:
deq_min = 1.3 * grains[1] # 316L: 8
if deq_max is None:
deq_max = grains[1] + grains[2] + 6. * grains[0] # 316L: 30
if gtype == 'Elongated':
# cutoff asp
if asp_min is None:
asp_min = np.maximum(1., ar[1]) # 316L: 1
if asp_max is None:
asp_max = ar[2] + ar[0] # 316L: 3
# cutoff omega
if omega_min is None:
omega_min = -np.pi # omega[1] - 2 * omega[0]
if omega_max is None:
omega_max = np.pi # omega[1] + 2 * omega[0]
# RVE box size
lx = ly = lz = size # size of box in each direction
# number of voxels
nx = ny = nz = voxels # number of voxels in each direction
# specify RVE info
if type(periodicity) is bool:
pbc = periodicity
pbc = True if periodicity == 'True' else False
# check grain type
# create the corresponding dict with statistical grain geometry information
sig, loc, scale, kappa = stat_names(legacy=False)
ms_stats = {'Grain type': gtype,
'Equivalent diameter':
{sig: grains[0], loc: grains[1], scale: grains[2],
'cutoff_min': deq_min, 'cutoff_max': deq_max},
{'sideX': lx, 'sideY': ly, 'sideZ': lz,
'Nx': nx, 'Ny': ny, 'Nz': nz},
'Simulation': {'periodicity': pbc,
'output_units': rveunit},
'Phase': {'Name': phasename,
'Number': phasenum,
'Volume fraction': VF}}
if gtype == 'Elongated':
ms_stats['Aspect ratio'] = {sig: ar[0], loc: ar[1], scale: ar[2],
'cutoff_min': asp_min, 'cutoff_max': asp_max}
ms_stats['Tilt angle'] = {kappa: omega[0], loc: omega[1],
'cutoff_min': omega_min, 'cutoff_max': omega_max}
if save_file:
cwd = os.getcwd()
json_dir = cwd + '/json_files' # Folder to store the json files
if not os.path.exists(json_dir):
with open(json_dir + '/stat_info.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(ms_stats, outfile, indent=2)
return ms_stats
class NodeSets(object):
def __init__(self, nodes):
self.F0yz = [] # left nodes
self.F1yz = [] # right nodes
self.Fx0z = [] # bottom nodes
self.Fx1z = [] # top nodes
self.Fxy0 = [] # rear nodes
self.Fxy1 = [] # front nodes
self.surfSet = [] # nodes on any surface
maxX = max(nodes[:, 0])
minX = min(nodes[:, 0])
maxY = max(nodes[:, 1])
minY = min(nodes[:, 1])
maxZ = max(nodes[:, 2])
minZ = min(nodes[:, 2])
# select all nodes on a surface and assign to face
for i, coord in enumerate(nodes):
surface = False
if np.isclose(coord[0], maxX):
surface = True
if np.isclose(coord[0], minX):
surface = True
if np.isclose(coord[1], maxY):
surface = True
if np.isclose(coord[1], minY):
surface = True
if np.isclose(coord[2], maxZ):
surface = True
if np.isclose(coord[2], minZ):
surface = True
if surface:
# Find edges
# top front edge
E_T1 = np.intersect1d(self.Fxy1, self.Fx1z)
self.Ex11 = self.CreatePeriodicEdgeSets(self.surfSet, nodes[self.surfSet, 0], E_T1)
# top back edge
E_T3 = np.intersect1d(self.Fxy0, self.Fx1z)
self.Ex10 = self.CreatePeriodicEdgeSets(self.surfSet, nodes[self.surfSet, 0], E_T3)
# top left edge
E_T4 = np.intersect1d(self.F0yz, self.Fx1z)
self.E01z = self.CreatePeriodicEdgeSets(self.surfSet, nodes[self.surfSet, 2], E_T4)
# top right edge
E_T2 = np.intersect1d(self.F1yz, self.Fx1z)
self.E11z = self.CreatePeriodicEdgeSets(self.surfSet, nodes[self.surfSet, 2], E_T2)
# bottom front edge
E_B1 = np.intersect1d(self.Fxy1, self.Fx0z)
self.Ex01 = self.CreatePeriodicEdgeSets(self.surfSet, nodes[self.surfSet, 0], E_B1)
# bottom back edge
E_B3 = np.intersect1d(self.Fxy0, self.Fx0z)
self.Ex00 = self.CreatePeriodicEdgeSets(self.surfSet, nodes[self.surfSet, 0], E_B3)
# bottom left edge
E_B4 = np.intersect1d(self.F0yz, self.Fx0z)
self.E00z = self.CreatePeriodicEdgeSets(self.surfSet, nodes[self.surfSet, 2], E_B4)
# bottom right edge
E_B2 = np.intersect1d(self.F1yz, self.Fx0z)
self.E10z = self.CreatePeriodicEdgeSets(self.surfSet, nodes[self.surfSet, 2], E_B2)
# left front edge
E_M1 = np.intersect1d(self.F0yz, self.Fxy1)
self.E0y1 = self.CreatePeriodicEdgeSets(self.surfSet, nodes[self.surfSet, 1], E_M1)
# right front edge
E_M2 = np.intersect1d(self.Fxy1, self.F1yz)
self.E1y1 = self.CreatePeriodicEdgeSets(self.surfSet, nodes[self.surfSet, 1], E_M2)
# left rear edge
E_M4 = np.intersect1d(self.Fxy0, self.F0yz)
self.E0y0 = self.CreatePeriodicEdgeSets(self.surfSet, nodes[self.surfSet, 1], E_M4)
# right rear edge
E_M3 = np.intersect1d(self.Fxy0, self.F1yz)
self.E1y0 = self.CreatePeriodicEdgeSets(self.surfSet, nodes[self.surfSet, 1], E_M3)
self.V001 = np.intersect1d(self.Ex01, self.E00z)[0] # V1
self.V101 = np.intersect1d(self.Ex01, self.E10z)[0] # V2
self.V000 = np.intersect1d(self.Ex00, self.E00z)[0] # H1
self.V100 = np.intersect1d(self.E10z, self.Ex00)[0] # H2
self.V111 = np.intersect1d(self.Ex11, self.E11z)[0] # V3
self.V110 = np.intersect1d(self.E11z, self.Ex10)[0] # H3
self.V011 = np.intersect1d(self.Ex11, self.E01z)[0] # V4
self.V010 = np.intersect1d(self.Ex10, self.E01z)[0] # H4
# CORNERNODES = [self.V000, self.V100, self.V010, self.V001, self.V011, self.V101, self.V110, self.V111]
def CreatePeriodicNodeSets(self, Nodes, sortCoord1, sortCoord2, NodeSet):
# Creates a List of Sorted Nodes with respect to sortCoord1 and sortCoord2 for faces
# Input: Nodeset of surface nodes
import operator
startList = []
sortedList = []
for number in NodeSet:
startList.append([number, sortCoord1[Nodes.index(number)], sortCoord2[Nodes.index(number)]])
startList.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1, 2))
for item in range(len(startList)):
return sortedList
def CreatePeriodicEdgeSets(self, Nodes, sortCoord, NodeSet):
# Creates a List of Sorted Nodes with respect to sortCoord for edges
import operator
startList = []
sortedList = []
for number in NodeSet:
startList.append([number, sortCoord[Nodes.index(number)]])
for item in range(len(startList)):
return sortedList
def RemoveItemInList(self, NodeList, ReplaceNodeList):
# remove set of nodes from list
for item in ReplaceNodeList:
except ValueError:
return NodeList