Source code for kanapy.grains

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Subroutines for analysis of grains in microstructure

@author: Alexander Hartmaier
ICAMS, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
March 2024
import itertools
import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull, Delaunay
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs] def calc_polygons(rve, mesh, tol=1.e-3): """ Evaluates the grain volume and the grain boundary shared surface area between neighbouring grains in voxelized microstrcuture. Generate vertices as contact points between 3 or more grains. Generate polyhedral convex hull for vertices. Parameters ---------- rve : kanapy object Contains information about RVE geometry mesh : kanapy object Contains information about the voxel mesh and grain definitions for each voxel tol : float, optional Tolerance value. The default is 1.e-3. Returns ------- geometry : dict ISSUES: for periodic structures, large grains with segments in both halves of the box and touching one boundary are split wrongly """ def facet_on_boundary(conn): """ Check if given voxel facet lies on any RVE boundary Parameters ---------- conn Returns ------- face : (3,2)-array of bool """ n1 = mesh.nodes[conn[0] - 1, :] n2 = mesh.nodes[conn[1] - 1, :] n3 = mesh.nodes[conn[2] - 1, :] n4 = mesh.nodes[conn[3] - 1, :] face = np.zeros((3, 2), dtype=bool) for i in range(3): h1 = np.abs(n1[i] - RVE_min[i]) < tol h2 = np.abs(n2[i] - RVE_min[i]) < tol h3 = np.abs(n3[i] - RVE_min[i]) < tol h4 = np.abs(n4[i] - RVE_min[i]) < tol face[i, 0] = h1 and h2 and h3 and h4 h1 = np.abs(n1[i] - RVE_max[i]) < tol h2 = np.abs(n2[i] - RVE_max[i]) < tol h3 = np.abs(n3[i] - RVE_max[i]) < tol h4 = np.abs(n4[i] - RVE_max[i]) < tol face[i, 1] = h1 and h2 and h3 and h4 return face def check_neigh(nodes, grains, margin): """ Check if close neighbors of new vertices are already in list # nodes: list of nodes identified as new vertices # grains: set of grains containing the nodes in elist # margin: radius in which vertices will be united""" # create set of all vertices of all involved grains vset = set() for gid in grains: vset.update(vert[gid]) # loop over all combinations for i, nid1 in enumerate(nodes): npos1 = mesh.nodes[nid1 - 1] sur1 = [np.abs(npos1[0] - RVE_min[0]) < tol, np.abs(npos1[1] - RVE_min[1]) < tol, np.abs(npos1[2] - RVE_min[2]) < tol, np.abs(npos1[0] - RVE_max[0]) < tol, np.abs(npos1[1] - RVE_max[1]) < tol, np.abs(npos1[2] - RVE_max[2]) < tol] for nid2 in vset: npos2 = mesh.nodes[nid2 - 1] sur2 = [np.abs(npos2[0] - RVE_min[0]) < tol, np.abs(npos2[1] - RVE_min[1]) < tol, np.abs(npos2[2] - RVE_min[2]) < tol, np.abs(npos2[0] - RVE_max[0]) < tol, np.abs(npos2[1] - RVE_max[1]) < tol, np.abs(npos2[2] - RVE_max[2]) < tol] d = np.linalg.norm(npos1 - npos2) if d < margin: if (not np.any(sur1)) or (sur1 == sur2): nodes[i] = nid2 break return nodes def get_voxel(pos): """ Get voxel associated with position vector pos. Parameters ---------- pos : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- v0 : TYPE DESCRIPTION. v1 : TYPE DESCRIPTION. v2 : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ v0 = np.minimum(int(pos[0] / voxel_res[0]), rve.dim[0] - 1) v1 = np.minimum(int(pos[1] / voxel_res[1]), rve.dim[1] - 1) v2 = np.minimum(int(pos[2] / voxel_res[2]), rve.dim[2] - 1) return (v0, v1, v2) def tet_in_grain(tet, vertices): """ Parameters ---------- tet vertices Returns ------- """ return geometry['Vertices'][tet[0]] in vertices and \ geometry['Vertices'][tet[1]] in vertices and \ geometry['Vertices'][tet[2]] in vertices and \ geometry['Vertices'][tet[3]] in vertices def vox_in_tet(vox_, tet_): """ Determine whether centre of voxel lies within tetrahedron Parameters ---------- vox_ tet_ Returns ------- contained : bool Voxel lies in tetrahedron """ v_pos = mesh.vox_center_dict[vox_] contained = True for node in tet_: n_pos = geometry['Points'][node] hh = set(tet_) hh.remove(node) ind_ = list(hh) f_pos = geometry['Points'][ind_] ctr_ = np.mean(f_pos, axis=0) normal = np.cross(f_pos[1, :] - f_pos[0, :], f_pos[2, :] - f_pos[0, :]) hn = np.linalg.norm(normal) if hn > 1.e-5: normal /= hn dist_to_vox = - ctr_, normal) dist_to_node = - ctr_, normal) if np.sign(dist_to_vox * dist_to_node) < 0. or \ np.abs(dist_to_vox) > np.abs(dist_to_node): contained = False break return contained def get_diameter(pts): """ Get estimate of largest diameter of a set of points. Parameters ---------- pts : (N, dim) ndarray Point set in dim dimensions Returns ------- diameter : (dim)-ndarray """ ind0 = np.argmin(pts, axis=0) # index of point with lowest coordinate for each Cartesian axis ind1 = np.argmax(pts, axis=0) # index of point with highest coordinate for each Cartesian axis v_min = np.array([pts[i, j] for j, i in enumerate(ind0)]) # min. value for each Cartesian axis v_max = np.array([pts[i, j] for j, i in enumerate(ind1)]) # max. value for each Cartesian axis ind_d = np.argmax(v_max - v_min) # Cartesian axis along which largest distance occurs return pts[ind1[ind_d], :] - pts[ind0[ind_d], :] def project_pts(pts, ctr, axis): """ Project points (pts) to plane defined via center (ctr) and normal vector (axis). Parameters ---------- pts : (N, dim) ndarray Point set in dim dimensions ctr : (dim)-ndarray Center point of the projection plane axis : (dim)-ndarray Unit vector for plane normal Returns ------- ppt : (N, dim) ndarray Points projected to plane with normal axis """ dvec = pts - ctr[None, :] # distance vector b/w points and center point pdist = np.array([, v) for v in dvec]) ppt = np.zeros(pts.shape) for i, p in enumerate(dvec): ppt[i, :] = p - pdist[i] * axis return ppt # define constants voxel_res = np.divide(rve.size, rve.dim) voxel_size = voxel_res[0] RVE_min = np.min(mesh.nodes, axis=0) if np.any(RVE_min > 1.e-3) or np.any(RVE_min < -1.e-3): raise ValueError('Irregular RVE geometry: RVE_min = {}'.format(RVE_min)) RVE_max = np.max(mesh.nodes, axis=0) Ng_max = np.max(list(mesh.grain_dict.keys())) # highest grain number Ngr = len(mesh.grain_dict.keys()) # number of grains # create dicts for GB facets, including fake facets at surfaces geometry = dict() grain_facesDict = dict() # {Grain: faces} gb_vox_dict = dict() for i in range(1, Ng_max + 7): grain_facesDict[i] = dict() # generate following objects: # outer_faces: {face_id's of outer voxel faces} (potential GB facets) # face_nodes: {face_id: list with 4 nodes} # grain_facesDict: {grain_id: {face_id: list with 4 nodes}} # gb_vox_dict: {face_id: list with voxels} # Loop over all grains in microstructure for gid, elset in mesh.grain_dict.items(): outer_faces = set() face_nodes = dict() nodeConn = [mesh.voxel_dict[el] for el in elset] # list of node sets for each voxel in grain # For each voxel, re-create its 6 faces, each face is list of 4 nodes for nc in nodeConn: faces = [[nc[0], nc[1], nc[2], nc[3]], [nc[4], nc[5], nc[6], nc[7]], [nc[0], nc[1], nc[5], nc[4]], [nc[3], nc[2], nc[6], nc[7]], [nc[0], nc[4], nc[7], nc[3]], [nc[1], nc[5], nc[6], nc[2]]] # Sort in ascending order sorted_faces = [sorted(fc) for fc in faces] # create unique face ids by joining node id's face_ids = [int(''.join(str(c) for c in fc)) for fc in sorted_faces] # Create face_nodes = {face_id: nodal connectivity} dictionary for enum, fid in enumerate(face_ids): if fid not in face_nodes.keys(): face_nodes[fid] = faces[enum] # Identify outer faces that occur only once and store in outer_faces for fid in face_ids: if fid not in outer_faces: outer_faces.add(fid) else: outer_faces.remove(fid) # Update grain_faces_dict= {grain_id: {face_id: facet nodes} for of in outer_faces: # add face nodes to grain faces dictionary conn = face_nodes[of] grain_facesDict[gid][of] = conn # list of four nodes # if voxel faces lies on RVE boundary add also to fake grains fob = facet_on_boundary(conn) for i in range(3): for j in range(2): if fob[i, j]: grain_facesDict[Ng_max + 1 + 2 * i + j][of] = conn # Find all combinations of grains to check for common area # analyse grain_facesDict and create object: # gbDict: {f{gid1}_{gid2}: list with 4 nodes shared by grains #gid1 and #gid2} # shared_area: [[gid1, gid2, GB area]] shared_area = [] # GB area gbDict = dict() # voxel facets on GB # Find the shared area and generate gbDict for all pairs of neighboring grains combis = list(itertools.combinations(sorted(grain_facesDict.keys()), 2)) for cb in combis: finter = set(grain_facesDict[cb[0]]).intersection(set(grain_facesDict[cb[1]])) if finter: ind = set() [ind.update(grain_facesDict[cb[0]][key]) for key in finter] key = 'f{}_{}'.format(cb[0], cb[1]) gbDict[key] = ind if cb[0] <= Ng_max and cb[1] <= Ng_max: # grain facet is not on boundary try: hull = ConvexHull(mesh.nodes[list(ind), :]) shared_area.append([cb[0], cb[1], hull.area]) except: sh_area = len(finter) * (voxel_size ** 2) shared_area.append([cb[0], cb[1], sh_area]) # analyse gbDict to find intersection lines of GB's # (triple or quadruple lines) -> edges # vertices are end points of edges, represented by # nodes in voxelized microstructure # created objects: # vert: {grain_id: [node_numbers of vertices]} # grains_of_vert: {node_number: [grain_id's connected to vertex]} # for periodic structures vertices at surfaces should be mirrored!!! vert = dict() grains_of_vert = dict() for i in grain_facesDict.keys(): vert[i] = set() for key0 in gbDict.keys(): klist = list(gbDict.keys()) # select grains with list positions before the current one while key0 != klist.pop(0): pass for key1 in klist: finter = gbDict[key0].intersection(gbDict[key1]) if finter: if len(finter) == 1: # only one node in intersection of GBs elist = list(finter) else: # mulitple nodes in intersection # identify end points of triple or quadruple line edge = np.array(list(finter), dtype=int) rn = mesh.nodes[edge - 1] dmax = 0. for j, rp0 in enumerate(rn): for k, rp1 in enumerate(rn[j + 1:, :]): d = np.sqrt( - rp1, rp0 - rp1)) if d > dmax: elist = [edge[j], edge[k + j + 1]] dmax = d # select all involved grains gr_set = set() j = key0.index('_') igr = int(key0[1:j]) if igr <= Ng_max: gr_set.add(igr) igr = int(key0[j + 1:]) if igr <= Ng_max: gr_set.add(igr) j = key1.index('_') igr = int(key1[1:j]) if igr <= Ng_max: gr_set.add(igr) igr = int(key1[j + 1:]) if igr <= Ng_max: gr_set.add(igr) # check if any neighboring nodes are already in list of # vertices. If yes, replace new vertex with existing one newlist = check_neigh(elist, gr_set, margin=2 * voxel_size) # update grains with new vertex for igr in gr_set: vert[igr].update(newlist) for nv in newlist: if nv in grains_of_vert.keys(): grains_of_vert[nv].update(gr_set) else: grains_of_vert[nv] = gr_set # Store grain-based information and do Delaunay tesselation # Sort grains w.r.t number of vertices num_vert = [len(vert[igr]) for igr in mesh.grain_dict.keys()] glist = np.array(list(mesh.grain_dict.keys()), dtype=int) glist = list(glist[np.argsort(num_vert)]) assert len(glist) == Ngr # re-sort by keeping neighborhood relations grain_sequence = [glist.pop()] # start sequence with grain with most vertices while len(glist) > 0: igr = grain_sequence[-1] neigh = set() for gb in shared_area: if igr == gb[0]: neigh.add(gb[1]) elif igr == gb[1]: neigh.add(gb[0]) # remove grains already in list from neighbor set neigh.difference_update(set(grain_sequence)) if len(neigh) == 0: # continue with next grain in list grain_sequence.append(glist.pop()) else: # continue with neighboring grain that has most vertices ind = [glist.index(i) for i in neigh] if len(ind) == 0: grain_sequence.append(glist.pop()) else: grain_sequence.append(glist.pop(np.amax(ind))) if len(grain_sequence) != Ngr or len(glist) > 0: raise ValueError(f'Grain list incomplete: {grain_sequence}, remaining elements: {glist}') # initialize dictionary for grain information grains = dict() vertices = np.array([], dtype=int) for step, igr in enumerate(grain_sequence): add_vert = vert[igr].difference(set(vertices)) grains[igr] = dict() grains[igr]['Vertices'] = np.array(list(vert[igr]), dtype=int) - 1 # indices of voxels at grain vertices grains[igr]['Points'] = mesh.nodes[grains[igr]['Vertices']] # positions of vertices center = np.mean(grains[igr]['Points'], axis=0) grains[igr]['Center'] = center # position of grain center # initialize values to be incrementally updated later grains[igr]['Simplices'] = [] grains[igr]['Volume'] = 0. grains[igr]['Area'] = 0. grains[igr]['Phase'] = mesh.grain_phase_dict[igr] # phase number to which grain belongs # Construct incremental Delaunay tesselation of # structure given by vertices vlist = np.array(list(add_vert), dtype=int) - 1 vertices = np.append(vertices, list(add_vert)) if step == 0: tetra = Delaunay(mesh.nodes[vlist], incremental=True) else: try: tetra.add_points(mesh.nodes[vlist]) except: vlist = np.array(vertices, dtype=int) - 1 tetra = Delaunay(mesh.nodes[vlist], incremental=True) tetra.close() # store global result of tesselation geometry['Vertices'] = np.array(vertices, dtype=int) - 1 geometry['Points'] = tetra.points geometry['Simplices'] = tetra.simplices # assign simplices (tetrahedra) to grains Ntet = len(tetra.simplices) print('\nGenerated Delaunay tesselation of grain vertices.') print(f'Assigning {Ntet} tetrahedra to grains ...') tet_to_grain = np.zeros(Ntet, dtype=int) for i, tet in tqdm(enumerate(tetra.simplices)): ctr = np.mean(tetra.points[tet], axis=0) igr = mesh.grains[get_voxel(ctr)] if (igr == 0) and (0 not in grains.keys()): continue # special case of precipit, where grain 0 is assigned to pores # test if all vertices of tet belong to that grain if not tet_in_grain(tet, grains[igr]['Vertices']): # try to find a neighboring grain with all vertices of tet neigh_list = set() for hv in tet: neigh_list.update(grains_of_vert[vertices[hv]]) match_found = False for jgr in neigh_list: if tet_in_grain(tet, grains[jgr]['Vertices']): igr = jgr match_found = True break if not match_found: # get a majority vote. BETTER: split up tet # count all voxels in tet neigh_list.add(igr) neigh_list = list(neigh_list) num_vox = [] for ngr in neigh_list: nv = 0 for vox in mesh.grain_dict[ngr]: if vox_in_tet(vox, tet): nv += 1 num_vox.append(nv) igr = neigh_list[np.argmax(num_vox)] tet_to_grain[i] = igr # Update grain volume with tet volume dv = tetra.points[tet[3]] vmat = [tetra.points[tet[0]] - dv, tetra.points[tet[1]] - dv, tetra.points[tet[2]] - dv] grains[igr]['Volume'] += np.abs(np.linalg.det(vmat)) / 6. # Keep only facets at boundary or between different grains facet_keys = set() for i, tet in enumerate(tetra.simplices): igr = tet_to_grain[i] if (igr == 0) and (0 not in grains.keys()): continue # special case of precipit, where grain 0 is assigned to pores for j, neigh in enumerate(tetra.neighbors[i, :]): if neigh == -1 or tet_to_grain[neigh] != igr: ft = [] for k in range(4): if k != j: ft.append(tet[k]) ft = sorted(ft) facet_keys.add(f'{ft[0]}_{ft[1]}_{ft[2]}') grains[igr]['Simplices'].append(ft) # Update grain surface area cv = tetra.points[ft[2]] avec = np.cross(tetra.points[ft[0]] - cv, tetra.points[ft[1]] - cv) grains[igr]['Area'] += np.linalg.norm(avec) # perform geometrical analysis of grain structure facets = [] for key in facet_keys: hh = key.split('_') facets.append([int(hh[0]), int(hh[1]), int(hh[2])]) geometry['Facets'] = np.array(facets) for igr in mesh.grain_dict.keys(): if grains[igr]['Volume'] < 1.e-5: logging.warning(f'No tet assigned to grain {igr}.') if grains[igr]['Simplices']: nf = len(grains[igr]['Simplices']) logging.warning(f'Grain {igr} contains {nf} tets, but no volume') grains.pop(igr) continue grains[igr]['eqDia'] = 2.0 * (3.0 * grains[igr]['Volume'] / (4.0 * np.pi)) ** (1.0 / 3.0) # Approximate smallest rectangular cuboid around points of grains # to analyse prolate (aspect ratio > 1) and oblate (a.r. < 1) particles correctly pts = grains[igr]['Points'] if len(pts) < 4: logging.warning(f'Removing grain {igr} with few vertices: {grains[igr]["Vertices"]}') grains.pop(igr) continue dia = get_diameter(pts) # approx. of largest diameter of grain len_a = np.linalg.norm(dia) # length of largest side if len_a < 1.e-5: logging.warning(f'Very small grain {igr} with max. diameter = {len_a}') ax_a = dia / len_a # unit vector along longest side ppt = project_pts(pts, grains[igr]['Center'], ax_a) # project points onto central plane normal to diameter trans1 = get_diameter(ppt) # largest side transversal to long axis len_b = np.linalg.norm(trans1) # length of second-largest side ax_b = trans1 / len_b # unit vector of second axis (normal to diameter) ax_c = np.cross(ax_a, ax_b) # calculate third orthogonal axes of rectangular cuboid lpt = project_pts(ppt, np.zeros(3), ax_b) # project points on third axis pdist = np.array([, v) for v in lpt]) # calculate distance of points on third axis len_c = np.max(pdist) - np.min(pdist) # get length of shortest side # calculate list of aspect ratios to decide upon most likely rotational symmetry axis ar_list = [np.abs(len_a / len_b - 1.0), np.abs(len_b / len_a - 1.0), np.abs(len_b / len_c - 1.0), np.abs(len_c / len_b - 1.0), np.abs(len_c / len_a - 1.0), np.abs(len_a / len_c - 1.0)] minval = np.min(ar_list) if minval > 0.15: # no clear rotational symmetry, choose longest axis as major diameter grains[igr]['majDia'] = len_a grains[igr]['minDia'] = 0.5 * (len_b + len_c) else: ind = np.argmin(ar_list) # identify two axes with aspect ratio closest to 1 if ind in [0, 1]: grains[igr]['majDia'] = len_c # major diameter along the rotational axis of grain grains[igr]['minDia'] = 0.5 * (len_a + len_b) # minor diameter is average of transversal axes elif ind in [2, 3]: grains[igr]['majDia'] = len_a grains[igr]['minDia'] = 0.5 * (len_c + len_b) else: grains[igr]['majDia'] = len_b grains[igr]['minDia'] = 0.5 * (len_a + len_c) geometry['Grains'] = grains geometry['GBnodes'] = gbDict geometry['GBarea'] = shared_area geometry['GBfaces'] = grain_facesDict print('Finished generating polyhedral hulls for grains.') # Analyse error in polyhedral grain volume vref = vtot = 0. vtot_vox = 0. vunit = vref / vol_mae = 0. for igr, grain in geometry['Grains'].items(): vg = grain['Volume'] vtot += vg vvox = np.count_nonzero(mesh.grains == igr) * vunit vtot_vox += vvox vol_mae += np.abs(1. - vg / vvox) if np.abs(vtot_vox - vref) > 1.e-5 and not bool(mesh.prec_vf_voxels): logging.warning(f'Inconsistent volume of voxelized grains: {vtot_vox}, ' + f'Reference volume: {vref}. Grians missing in polyhedral structure.') if np.abs(vtot - vref) > 1.e-5 and not bool(mesh.prec_vf_voxels): logging.warning(f'Inconsistent volume of polyhedral grains: {vtot}, ' + f'Reference volume: {vref}') print(f'Total volume of RVE: {vref} {rve.units}^3') print(f'Total volume of polyhedral grains: {vtot} {rve.units}^3') if bool(mesh.prec_vf_voxels): geometry['Porosity_grains'] = 1. - vtot / vref print(f'Porosity in voxel structure: {mesh.prec_vf_voxels}') print(f'Porosity in polyhedral grains: {geometry["Porosity_grains"]}') print(f'Mean relative error of polyhedral vs. voxel volume of individual ' + f'grains: {round(vol_mae / Ngr, 3)}') print(f'for mean volume of grains: {round(vref / Ngr, 3)} {rve.units}^3.') return geometry