Source code for kanapy.entities

import itertools
import numpy as np
import random
from kanapy.collisions import collision_routine
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay

[docs] def cub_oct_split(cub): """ Splits cuboid object of the class :class:`~Cuboid` into eight smaller cuboid objects :param cub: Branch cuboid object containing ellipsoids :type cub: object of the class :class:`~Cuboid` :returns: Eight new sub-branch cuboid objects in a list :rtype: List """ w = cub.width / 2.0 h = cub.height / 2.0 d = cub.depth / 2.0 cl = [Cuboid(cub.left,, cub.left + w, + h, cub.front, cub.front + d), Cuboid(cub.left + w,, cub.left + 2. * w, + h, cub.front, cub.front + d), Cuboid(cub.left, + h, cub.left + w, + 2. * h, cub.front, cub.front + d), Cuboid(cub.left + w, + h, cub.left + 2. * w, + 2. * h, cub.front, cub.front + d), Cuboid(cub.left,, cub.left + w, + h, cub.front + d, cub.front + 2. * d), Cuboid(cub.left + w,, cub.left + 2. * w, + h, cub.front + d, cub.front + 2. * d), Cuboid(cub.left, + h, cub.left + w, + 2. * h, cub.front + d, cub.front + 2. * d), Cuboid(cub.left + w, + h, cub.left + 2. * w, + 2. * h, cub.front + d, cub.front + 2. * d)] return cl
[docs] class Simulation_Box(object): """ Creates :class:`~Simulation_Box` objects for the defined simulation domain. """ def __init__(self, size): self.w = size[0] # Width self.h = size[1] # Height self.d = size[2] # Depth self.sim_ts = 0 # Initialize simulation time-step self.left = 0. = 0. self.front = 0. self.right = self.w self.bottom = self.h self.back = self.d
[docs] class Ellipsoid(object): """ Creates :class:`~Ellipsoid` objects for each ellipsoid generated from input statistics. :param iden: ID of the ellipsoid :type iden: integer :param center: Position :math:`(x, y, z)` of the ellipsoid center in the simulation domain :type center: floats :param coefficient: Semi-major and semin-minor axes lengths :math:`(a, b, c)` of the ellipsoid :type coefficient: floats :param quat: Quaternion representing ellipsoid's axis and tilt angle with respect to the positive x-axis :type quat: numpy array .. note:: 1. The orientations of ellipsoid :math:`i` in the global coordinate space is defined by its tilt angle and axis vector and expressed in quaternion notation as, .. image:: /figs/quaternion_ell.png :width: 210px :height: 40px :align: center 2. Ellipsoids are initilaized without a value for its velocity, and is later assigned a random value by :mod:`kanapy.packing.particle_generator`. 3. An empty list for storing voxels belonging to the ellipsoid is initialized. """ def __init__(self, iden, x, y, z, a, b, c, quat, phasenum=0, dup=None, points=None): = iden self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.xold = x self.yold = y self.zold = z self.a = a self.b = b self.c = c self.quat = quat self.oria, self.orib, self.oric = a, b, c # Store the original size of the particle self.speedx = 0. self.speedy = 0. self.speedz = 0. self.rotation_matrix = self.rotationMatrixGen() # Initialize roatation matrix for the ellipsoid self.surface_points = self.surfacePointsGen() # Initialize surface points for the ellipsoid self.inside_voxels = [] # List that stores voxels belonging to the ellipsoid self.set_cub() # sets particle cuboid for collision testing with octree boxes self.duplicate = dup # Duplicate status used for voxelization self.phasenum = phasenum self.force_x = 0. self.force_y = 0. self.force_z = 0. self.branches = [] self.neighborlist = set() self.ncollision = 0 if points is None: self.inner = None else: self.inner = self.create_poly(points) # create a Delaunay tesselation of points
[docs] def get_pos(self): """ Returns the position array of the ellipsoid :rtype: numpy array """ return np.array([self.x, self.y, self.z])
[docs] def get_coeffs(self): """ Returns the coefficients array of the ellipsoid :rtype: numpy array """ return np.array([self.a, self.b, self.c])
[docs] def get_volume(self): """ Returns the volume of the ellipsoid :rtype: float """ return (4 / 3) * np.pi * self.a * self.b * self.c
[docs] def rotationMatrixGen(self): """ Evaluates the rotation matrix for the ellipsoid using the quaternion :rtype: numpy array """ FLOAT_EPS = np.finfo(float).resolution w, x, y, z = self.quat Nq = w * w + x * x + y * y + z * z if Nq < FLOAT_EPS: return np.eye(3) s = 2.0 / Nq X = x * s Y = y * s Z = z * s wX = w * X wY = w * Y wZ = w * Z xX = x * X xY = x * Y xZ = x * Z yY = y * Y yZ = y * Z zZ = z * Z return np.array([[1.0 - (yY + zZ), xY - wZ, xZ + wY], [xY + wZ, 1.0 - (xX + zZ), yZ - wX], [xZ - wY, yZ + wX, 1.0 - (xX + yY)]])
[docs] def surfacePointsGen(self, nang=20): """ Generates points on the outer surface of the ellipsoid using the rotation matrix from :meth:`rotationMatrixGen` :rtype: numpy array """ # Points on the outer surface of Ellipsoid u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, nang) v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, nang) # Cartesian coordinates that correspond to the spherical angles: xval = self.a * np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v)) yval = self.b * np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v)) zval = self.c * np.outer(np.ones_like(u), np.cos(v)) # combine the three 2D arrays element wise stacked_xyz = np.stack( (xval.ravel(), yval.ravel(), zval.ravel()), axis=1) # Do the dot product with rotation matrix return
[docs] def growth(self, fac): """ Increases the size of the ellipsoid along its axes governed by the volume increment :param dv: Volume increment per time step :type dv: float """ self.a = self.oria * fac self.b = self.orib * fac self.c = self.oric * fac self.set_cub()
[docs] def Bbox(self): """ Generates the bounding box limits along x, y, z directions using the surface points from :meth:`surfacePointsGen` :rtype: numpy array """ # Add position vector self.surface_points = self.surfacePointsGen() new_surfPts = self.surface_points + self.get_pos() self.bbox_xmin, self.bbox_xmax = np.amin( new_surfPts[:, 0]), np.amax(new_surfPts[:, 0]) self.bbox_ymin, self.bbox_ymax = np.amin( new_surfPts[:, 1]), np.amax(new_surfPts[:, 1]) self.bbox_zmin, self.bbox_zmax = np.amin( new_surfPts[:, 2]), np.amax(new_surfPts[:, 2])
[docs] def get_cub(self): """ Returns the cuboid object of the ellipsoid :rtype: object of the class :class:`~Cuboid` """ return self.cub
[docs] def set_cub(self): """ Initializes an object of the class :class:`~Cuboid` using the bounding box limits from :meth:`Bbox` """ self.Bbox() self.cub = Cuboid(self.bbox_xmin, self.bbox_ymin, self.bbox_xmax, self.bbox_ymax, self.bbox_zmin, self.bbox_zmax)
[docs] def create_poly(self, points): """ Creates a polygon inside the ellipsoid """ return Delaunay(
[docs] def sync_poly(self, scale=None): """ Moves the center of the polygon to the center of the ellipsoid and scales the hull to fit inside the ellipsoid """ if scale is None: from kanapy import poly_scale as scale if self.inner is None: return opts = self.inner.points Npts = len(opts) p_ctr = np.average(opts, axis=0) e_ctr = self.get_pos() pts = opts - p_ctr[None, :] # shift center of points to origin pts = # rotate points back into global coordinates ind0 = np.argmin(pts, axis=0) # index of point with lowest coordinate for each Cartesian axis ind1 = np.argmax(pts, axis=0) # index of point with highest coordinate for each Cartesian axis v_min = np.array([pts[i, j] for j, i in enumerate(ind0)]) # min. value for each Cartesian axis v_max = np.array([pts[i, j] for j, i in enumerate(ind1)]) # max. value for each Cartesian axis dim = v_max - v_min # extension of polygon along each axis fac = scale * np.divide(np.array([self.a, self.b, self.c]), dim) # scaling factors for each axis pts *= fac # scale points to dimensions of ellipsoid pts = # rotate back into ellipsoid frame pts += e_ctr[None, :] # shift center to center of ellipsoid # update points Delaunay tesselation self.inner = Delaunay(pts) # check if surface points of ellipsoid are all outside polyhedron """self.surface_points = self.surfacePointsGen() + e_ctr[None, :] if any(self.inner.find_simplex(self.surface_points) >= 0): logging.error(f'Polyhedron too large for ellipsoid {}. Reduce scale.')"""
[docs] def move(self, dt): """ Moves the ellipsoid by updating its position vector according to the Verlet integration method .. note:: The :class:`~Cuboid` object of the ellipsoid has to be updated everytime it moves """ xx = 2.0 * self.x - self.xold + self.force_x * dt * dt yy = 2.0 * self.y - self.yold + self.force_y * dt * dt zz = 2.0 * self.z - self.zold + self.force_z * dt * dt self.speedx = (xx - self.xold) / (2.0 * dt) self.speedy = (yy - self.yold) / (2.0 * dt) self.speedz = (zz - self.zold) / (2.0 * dt) self.xold = self.x self.yold = self.y self.zold = self.z self.x = xx self.y = yy self.z = zz self.set_cub()
[docs] def gravity_effect(self, value): """ Moves the ellipsoid downwards to mimick the effect of gravity acting on it :param value: User defined value for downward movement :type value: float .. note:: The :class:`~Cuboid` object of the ellipsoid has to be updated everytime it moves """ self.x += 0 self.y -= value self.z += 0 self.set_cub()
[docs] def wallCollision(self, sim_box, periodicity): """ Evaluates whether the ellipsoid collides with the boundaries of the simulation box. * If periodicity is enabled -> Creates duplicates of the ellipsoid on opposite faces of the box * If periodicity is disabled -> Mimicks the bouncing back effect. :param sim_box: Simulation box :type sim_box: object of the class :class:`~Simulation_Box` :param periodicity: Status of periodicity :type periodicity: boolean :returns: if periodic - ellipsoid duplicates, else None :rtype: list .. note:: The :class:`~Cuboid` object of the ellipsoid has to be updated everytime it moves """ duplicates = [] # for periodic boundaries if periodicity: # Check if particle's center is inside or outside the box if sim_box.right > self.x > sim_box.left and \ sim_box.bottom > self.y > and \ sim_box.back > self.z > sim_box.front: # If inside: Check which face the particle collides with left = self.bbox_xmin < sim_box.left top = self.bbox_ymin < front = self.bbox_zmin < sim_box.front right = self.bbox_xmax > sim_box.right bottom = self.bbox_ymax > sim_box.bottom back = self.bbox_zmax > sim_box.back else: # It is outside: Move the particle to the opposite side if self.x > sim_box.right: diff = self.x - sim_box.right self.x = sim_box.left + diff elif self.x < sim_box.left: diff = abs(sim_box.left - self.x) self.x = sim_box.right - diff if self.y > sim_box.bottom: diff = self.y - sim_box.bottom self.y = + diff elif self.y < diff = abs( - self.y) self.y = sim_box.bottom - diff if self.z > sim_box.back: diff = self.z - sim_box.back self.z = sim_box.front + diff elif self.z < sim_box.front: diff = abs(sim_box.front - self.z) self.z = sim_box.back - diff self.set_cub() # update the bounding box due to its movement # Now its inside: Check which face the particle collides with left = self.bbox_xmin < sim_box.left top = self.bbox_ymin < front = self.bbox_zmin < sim_box.front right = self.bbox_xmax > sim_box.right bottom = self.bbox_ymax > sim_box.bottom back = self.bbox_zmax > sim_box.back sim_width = abs(sim_box.right - sim_box.left) sim_height = abs(sim_box.bottom - sim_depth = abs(sim_box.back - sim_box.front) # If it collides with any three faces: Create 7 duplicates if sum([left, top, right, bottom, front, back]) == 3: p1 = None if left and top and front: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RTF', self.x + sim_width, self.y, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RBF', self.x + sim_width, self.y + sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LBF', self.x, self.y + sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p4 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LTB', self.x, self.y, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p5 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RTB', self.x + sim_width, self.y, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p6 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RBB', self.x + sim_width, self.y + sim_height, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p7 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LBB', self.x, self.y + sim_height, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif right and top and front: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RBF', self.x, self.y + sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LBF', self.x - sim_width, self.y + sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LTF', self.x - sim_width, self.y, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p4 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RTB', self.x, self.y, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p5 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RBB', self.x, self.y + sim_height, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p6 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LBB', self.x - sim_width, self.y + sim_height, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p7 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LTB', self.x - sim_width, self.y, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif right and bottom and front: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LBF', self.x - sim_width, self.y, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LTF', self.x - sim_width, self.y - sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RTF', self.x, self.y - sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p4 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RBB', self.x, self.y, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p5 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LBB', self.x - sim_width, self.y, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p6 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LTB', self.x - sim_width, self.y - sim_height, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p7 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RTB', self.x, self.y - sim_height, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif left and bottom and front: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LTF', self.x, self.y - sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RTF', self.x + sim_width, self.y - sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RBF', self.x + sim_width, self.y, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p4 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LBB', self.x, self.y, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p5 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LTB', self.x, self.y - sim_height, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p6 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RTB', self.x + sim_width, self.y - sim_height, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p7 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RBB', self.x + sim_width, self.y, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif left and top and back: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RTB', self.x + sim_width, self.y, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RBB', self.x + sim_width, self.y + sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LBB', self.x, self.y + sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p4 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LTF', self.x, self.y, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p5 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RTF', self.x + sim_width, self.y, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p6 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RBF', self.x + sim_width, self.y + sim_height, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p7 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LBF', self.x, self.y + sim_height, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif right and top and back: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RBB', self.x, self.y + sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LBB', self.x - sim_width, self.y + sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LTB', self.x - sim_width, self.y, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p4 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RTF', self.x, self.y, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p5 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RBF', self.x, self.y + sim_height, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p6 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LBF', self.x - sim_width, self.y + sim_height, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p7 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LTF', self.x - sim_width, self.y, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif right and bottom and back: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LBB', self.x - sim_width, self.y, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LTB', self.x - sim_width, self.y - sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RTB', self.x, self.y - sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p4 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RBF', self.x, self.y, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p5 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LBF', self.x - sim_width, self.y, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p6 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LTF', self.x - sim_width, self.y - sim_height, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p7 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RTF', self.x, self.y - sim_height, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif left and bottom and back: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LTB', self.x, self.y - sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RTB', self.x + sim_width, self.y - sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RBB', self.x + sim_width, self.y, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p4 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LBF', self.x, self.y, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p5 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LTF', self.x, self.y - sim_height, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p6 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RTF', self.x + sim_width, self.y - sim_height, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p7 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RBF', self.x + sim_width, self.y, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) if p1 is not None: duplicates.extend([p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7]) # If it collides with any two faces: Create 3 duplicates elif sum([left, top, right, bottom, front, back]) == 2: p1 = None if left and top: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RT', self.x + sim_width, self.y, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LB', self.x, self.y + sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RB', self.x + sim_width, self.y + sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif right and top: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LT', self.x - sim_width, self.y, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LB', self.x - sim_width, self.y + sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RB', self.x, self.y + sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif left and bottom: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RB', self.x + sim_width, self.y, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LT', self.x, self.y - sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RT', self.x + sim_width, self.y - sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif right and bottom: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LB', self.x - sim_width, self.y, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_RT', self.x, self.y - sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_LT', self.x - sim_width, self.y - sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif front and top: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_FB', self.x, self.y + sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_BT', self.x, self.y, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_BB', self.x, self.y + sim_height, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif front and bottom: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_FT', self.x, self.y - sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_BT', self.x, self.y - sim_height, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_BB', self.x, self.y, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif back and top: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_BB', self.x, self.y + sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_FT', self.x, self.y, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_FB', self.x, self.y + sim_height, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif back and bottom: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_BT', self.x, self.y - sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_FT', self.x, self.y - sim_height, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_FB', self.x, self.y, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif front and right: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_FL', self.x - sim_width, self.y, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_BR', self.x, self.y, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_BL', self.x - sim_width, self.y, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif front and left: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_FR', self.x + sim_width, self.y, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_BL', self.x, self.y, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_BR', self.x + sim_width, self.y, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif back and right: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_BL', self.x - sim_width, self.y, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_FR', self.x, self.y, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_FL', self.x - sim_width, self.y, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif back and left: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_BR', self.x + sim_width, self.y, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p2 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_FL', self.x, self.y, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) p3 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_FR', self.x + sim_width, self.y, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) if p1 is not None: duplicates.extend([p1, p2, p3]) # If it collides with any single face: Create 1 duplicate elif sum([left, top, right, bottom, front, back]) == 1: p1 = None if left: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_R', self.x + sim_width, self.y, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif right: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_L', self.x - sim_width, self.y, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif bottom: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_T', self.x, self.y - sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif top: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_B', self.x, self.y + sim_height, self.z, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif front: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_Ba', self.x, self.y, self.z + sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) elif back: p1 = Ellipsoid(str( + '_F', self.x, self.y, self.z - sim_depth, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.quat,, phasenum=self.phasenum) if p1 is not None: duplicates.append(p1) else: # no periodicity if self.bbox_xmin < sim_box.left: diff = sim_box.left - self.bbox_xmin # move the ellipsoid in opposite direction after bouncing self.x += diff self.xold = self.x if self.bbox_ymin < diff = - self.bbox_ymin self.y += diff self.yold = self.y if self.bbox_zmin < sim_box.front: diff = sim_box.front - self.bbox_zmin self.z += diff self.zold = self.z if self.bbox_xmax > sim_box.right: diff = self.bbox_xmax - sim_box.right self.x -= diff self.xold = self.x if self.bbox_ymax > sim_box.bottom: diff = self.bbox_ymax - sim_box.bottom self.y -= diff self.yold = self.y if self.bbox_zmax > sim_box.back: diff = self.bbox_zmax - sim_box.back self.z -= diff self.zold = self.z return duplicates
[docs] class Cuboid(object): """ Creates :class:`Cuboid` objects for ellipsoids and Octree sub-branches. :param left: Bounding box minimum along x :param top: Bounding box minimum along y :param right: Bounding box maximum along x :param bottom: Bounding box maximum along y :param front: Bounding box minimum along z :param back: Bounding box maximum along z :type left: float :type top: float :type right: float :type bottom: float :type front: float :type back: float """ def __init__(self, left, top, right, bottom, front, back): self.left = left = top self.right = right self.bottom = bottom self.front = front self.back = back self.width = abs(self.right - self.left) self.height = abs(self.bottom - self.depth = abs(self.back - self.front)
[docs] def intersect(self, other): """ Evaluates whether the :class:`Cuboid` object of the ellipsoid intersects with the :class:`Cuboid` object of the :class:`Octree` sub-branch. :param other: Sub-branch cuboid object of the octree :type other: object of the class :class:`Cuboid` :returns: if intersection - **True**, else **False** :rtype: boolean """ # six conditions that guarantee non-overlapping of cuboids cond1 = self.left > other.right cond2 = self.right < other.left cond3 = > other.bottom cond4 = self.bottom < cond5 = self.front > other.back cond6 = self.back < other.front return not (cond1 or cond2 or cond3 or cond4 or cond5 or cond6)
[docs] class Octree(object): """ Creates :class:`~Octree` objects for tree trunk and its sub-branches. :param level: Current level of the Octree :param cub: Cuboid object of the tree trunk / sub-branches :param particles: Particles within the tree trunk / sub-branches :type level: int :type cub: object of the class :class:`~Cuboid` :type particles: list .. note:: 1. **level** is set to zero for the trunk of the Octree. 2. **cub** should be entire simulation box for the tree trunk. 3. **particles** list contains all the ellipsoids in the simulation domain for the tree trunk. """ def __init__(self, level, cub, particles=[]): self.maxlevel = 3 # max number of subdivisions self.level = level # current level of subdivision self.maxparticles = 10 # max number of particles without subdivision self.cub = cub # cuboid object self.particles = particles # list of particles self.branches = [] # empty list that is filled with 8 branches if subdivided
[docs] def get_cub(self): """ Returns the cuboid object of the octree sub-branch :rtype: object :obj:`Cuboid` """ return self.cub
[docs] def subdivide(self): """ Divides the given Octree sub-branch into eight further sub-branches and initializes each newly created sub-branch as an :class:`~Octree` object """ for cub in cub_oct_split(self.cub): branch = Octree(self.level + 1, cub, []) self.branches.append(branch)
[docs] def add_particle(self, particle): """ Update the particle list of the Octree sub-branch """ self.particles.append(particle)
[docs] def subdivide_particles(self): """ Evaluates whether ellipsoids belong to a particular Octree sub-branch by calling :meth:`intersect` on each ellipsoid. """ for particle, branch in itertools.product(self.particles, self.branches): if branch.get_cub().intersect(particle.get_cub()): branch.add_particle(particle)
[docs] def make_neighborlist(self): """ Finds the neighborlist for each particle """ for particle in self.particles: particle.neighborlist = set() for branch in particle.branches: particle.neighborlist.update(branch.particles)
[docs] def collisionsTest(self): """ Tests for collision between all ellipsoids in the particle list of octree """ self.make_neighborlist() ncoll = 0 count = 0 colp = [] ppar = [] timecd = 0. timecr = 0. third = 1.0 / 3.0 for E1 in self.particles: for E2 in E1.neighborlist: id1 = if E1.duplicate is None else (E1.duplicate + len(self.particles)) id2 = if E2.duplicate is None else (E2.duplicate + len(self.particles)) if id2 > id1: # Distance between the centers of ellipsoids dist = np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(E1.get_pos(), E2.get_pos())) psize = 0.5 * (E1.get_volume() ** third + E2.get_volume() ** third) # If the bounding spheres collide then check for collision if dist <= psize: # Check if ellipsoids overlap and update their speeds accordingly count += 1 ppar.append([dist, psize]) if collision_routine(E1, E2): colp.append([dist, psize]) ncoll += 1 E1.ncollision += 1 E2.ncollision += 1 # print(f'Checked {count} pairs with {ncoll} collisions.') # print(f'collision time: {timecd}, force time: {timecr}') # print(f'Pair params:', ppar) # print(f'Collisions:', colp) return ncoll
[docs] def update(self): """ Updates the Octree and begins the recursive process of subdividing or collision testing """ if len(self.particles) > self.maxparticles and self.level <= self.maxlevel: self.subdivide() self.subdivide_particles() random.shuffle(self.branches) for branch in self.branches: branch.update() else: for particle in self.particles: particle.branches.append(self)