""" Module defining class Microstructure that contains the necessary
methods and attributes to analyze experimental microstructures in form
of EBSD maps to generate statistical descriptors for 3D microstructures, and
to create synthetic RVE that fulfill the required statistical microstructure
The methods of the class Microstructure for an API that can be used to generate
Python workflows.
Authors: Alexander Hartmaier, Golsa Tolooei Eshlghi, Abhishek Biswas
Institution: ICAMS, Ruhr University Bochum
import os
import json
import logging
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
from kanapy.grains import calc_polygons
from kanapy.entities import Simulation_Box
from kanapy.input_output import export2abaqus, writeAbaqusMat, read_dump
from kanapy.initializations import RVE_creator, mesh_creator
from kanapy.packing import packingRoutine
from kanapy.voxelization import voxelizationRoutine
from kanapy.smoothingGB import smoothingRoutine
from kanapy.rve_stats import get_stats_vox, get_stats_part, get_stats_poly
from kanapy.plotting import plot_init_stats, plot_voxels_3D, plot_ellipsoids_3D, \
plot_polygons_3D, plot_output_stats, plot_particles_3D
class Microstructure(object):
"""Define class for synthetic microstructures
name : str
Name of microstructure
nphases : int
Number of phases in microstructure
ngrains : ndarray
Array of grain number in each phase
Ngr : int
Total number of grains summed over all phases
nparticles : list
List with number of particles in each phase
descriptor : list
List of dictionaries describing the microstructure of each phase;
Dict Keys: "Grains type", "Equivalent diameter", "Aspect ratio", "Tilt Angle", "RVE", "Simulation"
precipit : None or float
Indicates microstructure with precipitates/pores/particles in continuous matrix. If type is float,
it gives volume the fraction of that precipitate phase
from_voxels : bool
Indicates whether microstructure object is imported from voxel file, not generated from particle simulation
particles : list
List of particle objects of class entities containing information object particle geometries
rve : object of class RVE_creator
Contains information about the RVE
Attributes: dim, size, nparticles, periodic, units, packing_steps, particle_data,
phase_names, phase_vf, ialloy
simbox : Object of class Simulation_Box
Contains information about geometry of simulation box for particle simulation
mesh : object of class mesh_creator
Attributes: dim, grain_dict, grain_ori_dict, grain_phase_dict, grains, ngrains_phase. nodes, nodes_smooth,
nvox, phases, prec_vf_voxels, vox_center_dict, voxel_dict
geometry : dict
Dictionary of grain geometries;
Dict keys: "Vertices", "Points", "Simplices", "Facets", "Grains", "GBnodes", GBarea" "GBfaces"
"Grains" : dictionary with key grain_number
Keys:"Vertices", "Points", "Center", "Simplices", "Volume", "Area", "Phase", "eqDia", "majDia", "minDia"
rve_stats : list
List of dictionaries containing statistical information on different RVE types: particles, voxels,
polyhedral grains
rve_stats_labels : list
List of strings containing the labels for the RVE types, i.e. Partcls, Voxels, Grains
def __init__(self, descriptor=None, file=None, name='Microstructure'):
self.name = name
self.nphases = None
self.ngrains = None
self.nparticles = None
self.precipit = None
self.rve = None
self.particles = None
self.geometry = None
self.simbox = None
self.mesh = None
self.rve_stats = None
self.rve_stats_labels = None
self.from_voxels = False
self.ialloy = None
if descriptor is None:
if file is None:
raise ValueError('Please provide either a dictionary with statistics or an data file name')
# Open the user data statistics file and read the data
with open(os.path.normpath(file)) as json_file:
self.descriptor = json.load(json_file)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f'An unexpected exception occurred: {e}')
raise FileNotFoundError("File: '{}' does not exist in the current working directory!\n".format(file))
elif descriptor == 'from_voxels':
self.from_voxels = True
if type(descriptor) is not list:
self.descriptor = [descriptor]
self.nphases = 1
self.descriptor = descriptor
self.nphases = len(self.descriptor)
if self.nphases > 2:
logging.warning(f'Kanapy is only tested for 2 phases, use at own risk for {self.nphases} phases')
if file is not None:
'WARNING: Input parameter (descriptor) and file are given. Only descriptor will be used.')
if self.nphases == 1 and 'Phase' in self.descriptor[0].keys():
vf = self.descriptor[0]['Phase']['Volume fraction']
if vf < 1.0:
# consider precipitates/pores/particles with volume fraction fill_factor in a matrix
# precipitates will be phase 0, matrix phase will get number 1 and be assigned to grain with ID 0
self.precipit = vf
self.nphases = 2
logging.info(f'Only one phase with volume fraction {vf} is given.')
logging.info('Will consider a sparse distribution in a matrix phase with phase number 1, ' +
'which will be assigned to grain with ID 0.')
-------- Routines for user interface --------
def init_RVE(self, descriptor=None, nsteps=1000):
Creates particle distribution inside simulation box (RVE) based on
the data provided in the data file.
if descriptor is None:
descriptor = self.descriptor
if type(descriptor) is not list:
descriptor = [descriptor]
# initialize RVE, including mesh dimensions and particle distribution
self.rve = RVE_creator(descriptor, nsteps=nsteps)
if self.precipit is not None:
self.rve.phase_vf.append(1.0 - self.precipit)
self.nparticles = self.rve.nparticles
# store geometry in simbox object
self.simbox = Simulation_Box(self.rve.size)
def pack(self, particle_data=None,
k_rep=0.0, k_att=0.0, fill_factor=None,
poly=None, save_files=False, verbose=False):
""" Packs the particles into a simulation box."""
if particle_data is None:
particle_data = self.rve.particle_data
if particle_data is None:
raise ValueError('No particle_data in pack. Run create_RVE first.')
if fill_factor is None and self.precipit is not None:
fill_factor = 1.0 # pack to full volume fraction defined in particles
print(f'Sparse particles (precipitates/pores): '
f'Packing up to particle volume fraction of {(100 * self.precipit):.1f}%.')
if self.precipit > 0.65:
print('Overlap of particles will occur since volume fraction > 65%')
self.particles, self.simbox = \
packingRoutine(particle_data, self.rve.periodic,
self.rve.packing_steps, self.simbox,
k_rep=k_rep, k_att=k_att, fill_factor=fill_factor,
poly=poly, save_files=save_files, verbose=verbose)
def voxelize(self, particles=None, dim=None):
""" Generates the RVE by assigning voxels to grains."""
if particles is None:
particles = self.particles
if particles is None:
raise ValueError('No particles in voxelize. Run pack first.')
if dim is None:
dim = self.rve.dim
if len(dim) != 3 or type(dim) is not tuple:
raise ValueError(f'"dim" must be a 3-tuple of the voxel numbers in each direction, not {dim}.')
self.rve.dim = dim
# initialize voxel structure (= mesh)
self.mesh = mesh_creator(dim)
self.mesh.nphases = self.nphases
self.mesh = \
voxelizationRoutine(particles, self.mesh, self.nphases, prec_vf=self.precipit)
if np.any(self.nparticles != self.mesh.ngrains_phase):
logging.info(f'Number of grains per phase changed from {self.nparticles} to ' +
f'{list(self.mesh.ngrains_phase)} during voxelization.')
self.ngrains = self.mesh.ngrains_phase
self.Ngr = np.sum(self.mesh.ngrains_phase, dtype=int)
# extract volume fractions from voxelized grains
if self.nphases > 1:
vox_count = np.zeros(self.nphases, dtype=int)
for igr, ip in self.mesh.grain_phase_dict.items():
vox_count[ip] += len(self.mesh.grain_dict[igr])
print('Volume fractions of phases in voxel structure:')
vt = 0.
for ip in range(self.nphases):
vf = vox_count[ip] / self.mesh.nvox
vt += vf
print(f'{ip}: {self.rve.phase_names[ip]} ({(vf * 100):.3f}%)')
if not np.isclose(vt, 1.0):
logging.warning(f'Volume fractions of phases in voxels do not add up to 1. Value: {vt}')
# remove grain information if it already exists to avoid inconsistencies
if self.geometry is not None:
logging.info('Removing polyhedral grain geometries and statistical data after re-meshing.')
self.geometry = None
def smoothen(self, nodes_v=None, voxel_dict=None, grain_dict=None):
""" Generates smoothed grain boundary from a voxelated mesh."""
if nodes_v is None:
nodes_v = self.mesh.nodes
if nodes_v is None:
raise ValueError('No nodes_v in smoothen. Run voxelize first.')
if voxel_dict is None:
voxel_dict = self.mesh.voxel_dict
if grain_dict is None:
grain_dict = self.mesh.grain_dict
self.mesh.nodes_smooth, grain_facesDict = \
smoothingRoutine(nodes_v, voxel_dict, grain_dict)
self.geometry['GBfaces'] = grain_facesDict
def generate_grains(self):
""" Writes out the particle- and grain diameter attributes for
statistical comparison. Final RVE grain volumes and shared grain
boundary surface areas info are written out as well."""
if self.mesh is None or self.mesh.grains is None:
raise ValueError('No information about voxelized microstructure. Run voxelize first.')
if self.precipit and 0 in self.mesh.grain_dict.keys():
# in case of precipit, remove irregular grain 0 from analysis
empty_vox = self.mesh.grain_dict.pop(0)
grain_store = self.mesh.grain_phase_dict.pop(0)
empty_vox = None
grain_store = None
self.geometry: dict = \
calc_polygons(self.rve, self.mesh) # updates RVE_data
# verify that geometry['Grains'] and mesh.grain_dict are consistent
"""if np.any(self.geometry['Ngrains'] != self.ngrains):
logging.warning(f'Only facets for {self.geometry["Ngrains"]} created, but {self.Ngr} grains in voxels.')
for igr in self.mesh.grain_dict.keys():
if igr not in self.geometry['Grains'].keys():
logging.warning(f'Grain: {igr} not in geometry. Be aware when creating GB textures.')"""
# verify that geometry['GBarea'] is consistent with geometry['Grains']
gba = self.geometry['GBarea']
ind = []
igr = []
for i, gblist in enumerate(gba):
if not gblist[0] in self.geometry['Grains'].keys():
if not gblist[1] in self.geometry['Grains'].keys():
if len(ind) > 0:
logging.warning(f'{len(ind)} grains are not represented in polyhedral geometry.')
# logging.warning('Consider increasing the number of voxels, as grains appear to be very irregular.')
for j, i in enumerate(ind):
logging.warning(f'Removing {gba[i]} from GBarea as grain {igr[j]} does not exist.')
self.geometry['GBarea'] = gba"""
# extract volume fractions from polyhedral grains
if self.nphases > 1:
ph_vol = np.zeros(self.nphases)
for igr, grd in self.geometry['Grains'].items():
ip = grd['Phase']
ph_vol[ip] += grd['Volume']
print('Volume fractions of phases in polyhedral geometry:')
for ip in range(self.nphases):
vf = 100.0 * ph_vol[ip] / np.prod(self.rve.size)
print(f'{ip}: {self.rve.phase_names[ip]} ({vf.round(1)}%)')
if empty_vox is not None:
# add removed grain again
self.mesh.grain_dict[0] = empty_vox
self.mesh.grain_phase_dict[0] = grain_store
def generate_orientations(self, data, ang=None, omega=None, Nbase=5000,
hist=None, shared_area=None, iphase=None):
Calculates the orientations of grains to give a desired crystallographic texture.
from kanapy import MTEX_AVAIL
from kanapy.textures import EBSDmap, createOrisetRandom, createOriset
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f'An unexpected exception occurred: {e}')
raise ImportError('Matlab or MTEX might not be installed properly. ' +
'Run "kanapy setupTexture" first to use this function.')
if not MTEX_AVAIL:
raise ModuleNotFoundError('MTEX not installed. Run "kanapy setupTexture" first to use this function.')
if self.mesh.grains is None:
raise ValueError('Grain geometry is not defined. Run voxelize first.')
if shared_area is None:
if hist is None:
gba = None
if self.geometry is None:
raise ValueError('If histogram for GB texture is provided, GB areas must be defined.\n' +
'Run generate_grains() first, to calculate GB areas.')
gba = self.geometry['GBarea']
if shared_area == 0:
gba = None
gba = shared_area
ori_dict = dict()
for ip, ngr in enumerate(self.ngrains):
if type(data) is EBSDmap:
if iphase is None or iphase == ip:
ori_rve = data.calcORI(ngr, iphase=ip, shared_area=gba)
elif type(data) is str:
if data.lower() in ['random', 'rnd']:
ori_rve = createOrisetRandom(ngr, Nbase=Nbase, hist=hist, shared_area=gba)
elif data.lower() in ['unimodal', 'uni_mod', 'uni_modal']:
if ang is None or omega is None:
raise ValueError('To generate orientation sets of type "unimodal" angle "ang" and kernel' +
'halfwidth "omega" are required.')
ori_rve = createOriset(ngr, ang, omega, hist=hist, shared_area=gba)
raise ValueError('Argument to generate grain orientation must be either of type EBSDmap or ' +
'"random" or "unimodal"')
for i, igr in enumerate(self.mesh.grain_dict.keys()):
if self.mesh.grain_phase_dict[igr] == ip:
if iphase is None or iphase == ip:
ind = i - ip * self.ngrains[0]
ori_dict[igr] = ori_rve[ind, :]
self.mesh.grain_ori_dict = ori_dict
-------- Plotting methods --------
def plot_ellipsoids(self, cmap='prism', dual_phase=False):
""" Generates plot of particles"""
if self.particles is None:
raise ValueError('No particle to plot. Run pack first.')
hmin = min(self.rve.size)
asp_arr = [int(self.rve.size[0] / hmin),
int(self.rve.size[1] / hmin),
int(self.rve.size[2] / hmin)]
plot_ellipsoids_3D(self.particles, cmap=cmap, dual_phase=dual_phase, asp_arr=asp_arr)
def plot_particles(self, cmap='prism', dual_phase=False, plot_hull=True):
""" Generates plot of particles"""
if self.particles is None:
raise ValueError('No particle to plot. Run pack first.')
if self.particles[0].inner is None:
raise ValueError('Ellipsoids without inner polygon cannot be plotted.')
hmin = min(self.rve.size)
asp_arr = [int(self.rve.size[0] / hmin),
int(self.rve.size[1] / hmin),
int(self.rve.size[2] / hmin)]
plot_particles_3D(self.particles, cmap=cmap,
dual_phase=dual_phase, plot_hull=plot_hull, asp_arr=asp_arr)
def plot_voxels(self, sliced=False, dual_phase=False, cmap='prism', ori=None,
color_key=0, silent=False):
Generates plot of voxel structure
color_key: int
selects the color key: 0: iphHSVKey, 1: BungeColorKey, 2: ipfHKLKey (optional, default: 0)
if self.mesh.grains is None:
raise ValueError('No voxels or elements to plot. Run voxelize first.')
elif dual_phase:
data = self.mesh.phases
data = self.mesh.grains
if ori is not None:
from kanapy.textures import get_ipf_colors
if isinstance(ori, bool) and ori:
ori = np.array([val for val in self.mesh.grain_ori_dict.values()])
clist = get_ipf_colors(ori, color_key)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f'An unexpected exception occurred: {e}')
logging.error('Orientations can only be plotted if MTEX is available.')
clist = None
clist = None
hmin = min(self.rve.size)
asp_arr = [int(self.rve.size[0] / hmin),
int(self.rve.size[1] / hmin),
int(self.rve.size[2] / hmin)]
fig = plot_voxels_3D(data, Ngr=np.sum(self.ngrains), sliced=sliced,
dual_phase=dual_phase, cmap=cmap, clist=clist,
silent=silent, asp_arr=asp_arr)
if silent:
return fig
def plot_grains(self, geometry=None, cmap='prism', alpha=0.4,
ec=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1], dual_phase=False):
""" Plot polygonalized microstructure"""
if geometry is None:
geometry = self.geometry
if geometry is None:
raise ValueError('No polygons for grains defined. Run generate_grains() first')
hmin = min(self.rve.size)
asp_arr = [int(self.rve.size[0] / hmin),
int(self.rve.size[1] / hmin),
int(self.rve.size[2] / hmin)]
plot_polygons_3D(geometry, cmap=cmap, alpha=alpha, ec=ec,
dual_phase=dual_phase, asp_arr=asp_arr)
def plot_stats(self, data=None,
gs_data=None, gs_param=None,
ar_data=None, ar_param=None,
show_all=False, verbose=False,
silent=False, enhanced_plot=False):
""" Plots the particle- and grain diameter attributes for statistical
if silent:
verbose = False
show_all = False
enhanced_plot = True
ax_max = np.prod(self.rve.size) ** (1 / 3)
if dual_phase:
nphases = self.nphases
if self.precipit and 0 in self.mesh.grain_dict.keys():
# in case of precipit, remove irregular grain 0 from analysis
nphases -= 1
nphases = 1
if not (isinstance(gs_data, list) and len(gs_data) == nphases):
gs_data = [gs_data] * nphases
if not (isinstance(gs_param, list) and len(gs_param) == nphases):
gs_param = [gs_param] * nphases
if not (isinstance(ar_data, list) and len(ar_data) == nphases):
ar_data = [ar_data] * nphases
if not (isinstance(ar_param, list) and len(ar_param) == len(gs_param)):
ar_param = [ar_param] * nphases
gs_data = [ebsd.ms_data[i]['gs_data'] for i in range(nphases)]
gs_param = [ebsd.ms_data[i]['gs_param'] for i in range(nphases)]
ar_data = [ebsd.ms_data[i]['ar_data'] for i in range(nphases)]
ar_param = [ebsd.ms_data[i]['ar_param'] for i in range(nphases)]
iphase = None
flist = []
for ip in range(nphases):
stats_list = []
labels = []
if dual_phase:
iphase = ip
print(f'Plotting statistical information for phase {ip}')
# Analyze and plot particles statistics
if (data is None and self.particles is not None) or \
(type(data) is str and 'p' in data.lower()):
if self.particles is None:
logging.error('Particle statistics requested, but no particles defined. '
'Run "pack()" first.')
part_stats = get_stats_part(self.particles, iphase=iphase, ax_max=ax_max,
verbose=verbose, save_files=save_files)
# Analyze and plot statistics of voxel structure in RVE
if (data is None and self.mesh is not None) or \
(type(data) is str and 'v' in data.lower()):
if self.mesh is None:
logging.error('Voxel statistics requested, but no voxel mesh defined. '
'Run "voxelize()" first.')
vox_stats = get_stats_vox(self.mesh, iphase=iphase, ax_max=ax_max,
verbose=verbose, save_files=save_files)
# Analyze and plot statistics of polyhedral grains in RVE
if (data is None and self.geometry is not None) or \
(type(data) is str and 'g' in data.lower()):
if self.geometry is None:
logging.error('Geometry statistics requested, but no polyhedral grains defined. '
'Run "generate_grains()" first.')
grain_stats = get_stats_poly(self.geometry['Grains'], iphase=iphase, ax_max=ax_max,
show_plot=show_all, phase_dict=self.mesh.grain_phase_dict,
verbose=verbose, save_files=save_files)
if dual_phase:
print(f'\nStatistical microstructure parameters of phase {iphase} in RVE')
print('\nStatistical microstructure parameters of RVE')
print(f'Type\t| a (µm) \t| b (µm) \t| c (µm) \t| std.dev\t| rot.axis\t| asp.ratio\t| std.dev\t|'
f' equ.dia. (µm)\t| std.dev')
for i, sd in enumerate(stats_list):
av_std = np.mean([sd['a_sig'], sd['b_sig'], sd['c_sig']])
print(f'{labels[i]}\t| {sd["a_scale"]:.3f}\t| {sd["b_scale"]:.3f}\t| {sd["c_scale"]:.3f}\t| '
f'{av_std:.4f}\t| {sd["ind_rot"]} \t| {sd["ar_scale"]:.3f}\t| {sd["ar_sig"]:.4f}\t| '
f'{sd["eqd_scale"]:.3f} \t| {sd["eqd_sig"]:.4f}')
self.rve_stats = stats_list
self.rve_stats_labels = labels
fig = plot_output_stats(stats_list, labels, iphase=iphase,
gs_data=gs_data[ip], gs_param=gs_param[ip],
ar_data=ar_data[ip], ar_param=ar_param[ip],
save_files=save_files, silent=silent,
if silent:
return flist
def plot_stats_init(self, descriptor=None, gs_data=None, ar_data=None,
get_res=False, show_res=False,
save_files=False, silent=False):
""" Plots initial statistical microstructure descriptors ."""
def analyze_voxels(ip, des):
if self.mesh is None:
raise ValueError('show_res is True, but no voxels have been defined. Run voxelize first.')
vox_stats = get_stats_vox(self.mesh, iphase=ip, show_plot=show_res)
gsp = [vox_stats['eqd_sig'], 0.0, vox_stats['eqd_scale'],
min(vox_stats['eqd']), max(vox_stats['eqd'])]
arp = [vox_stats['ar_sig'], 0.0, vox_stats['ar_scale'],
min(vox_stats['ar']), max(vox_stats['ar'])]
if 'Grain type' in des.keys() and des['Grain type'] == 'Elongated':
if nel > 1:
print(f'\nStatistical microstructure parameters of phase {ip} in RVE')
print('\nStatistical microstructure parameters of RVE')
print(f'Type\t| a (µm) \t| b (µm) \t| c (µm) \t| std.dev\t| rot.axis\t| asp.ratio\t| std.dev\t|'
f' equ.dia. (µm)\t| std.dev')
av_std = np.mean([vox_stats['a_sig'], vox_stats['b_sig'], vox_stats['c_sig']])
print(f'Input\t| - \t| - \t| - \t| - \t| - \t| '
f'{des["Aspect ratio"]["scale"]:.3f}\t| {des["Aspect ratio"]["sig"]:.4f}\t| '
f'{des["Equivalent diameter"]["scale"]:.3f} \t| {des["Equivalent diameter"]["sig"]:.4f}')
print(f'Output\t| {vox_stats["a_scale"]:.3f}\t| {vox_stats["b_scale"]:.3f}\t| '
f'{vox_stats["c_scale"]:.3f}\t| {av_std:.4f}\t| {vox_stats["ind_rot"]} \t| '
f'{vox_stats["ar_scale"]:.3f}\t| {vox_stats["ar_sig"]:.4f}\t| '
f'{vox_stats["eqd_scale"]:.3f} \t| {vox_stats["eqd_sig"]:.4f}')
return gsp, arp
if show_res:
get_res = True
if silent:
show_res = False
if descriptor is None:
descriptor = self.descriptor
if not isinstance(descriptor, list):
descriptor = [descriptor]
if porous:
descriptor = descriptor[0:1]
nel = len(descriptor)
if not (isinstance(gs_data, list) and len(gs_data) == nel):
gs_data = [gs_data] * nel
if not (isinstance(ar_data, list) and len(ar_data) == nel):
ar_data = [ar_data] * nel
flist = []
for ip, des in enumerate(descriptor):
if get_res:
gsp, arp = analyze_voxels(ip, des)
gsp = None
arp = None
fig = plot_init_stats(des, gs_data=gs_data[ip], ar_data=ar_data[ip],
gs_param=gsp, ar_param=arp,
save_files=save_files, silent=silent)
if silent:
return flist
def plot_slice(self, cut='xy', data=None, pos=None, fname=None,
dual_phase=False, save_files=False):
Plot a slice through the microstructure.
If polygonalized microstructure is available, it will be used as data
basis, otherwise or if data='voxels' the voxelized microstructure
will be plotted.
This subroutine calls the output_ang function with plotting active
and writing of ang file deactivated.
cut : str, optional
Define cutting plane of slice as 'xy', 'xz' or 'yz'. The default is 'xy'.
data : str, optional
Define data basis for plotting as 'voxels' or 'poly'. The default is None.
pos : str or float
Position in which slice is taken, either as absolute value, or as
one of 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'. The default is None.
fname : str, optional
Filename of PDF file. The default is None.
save_files : bool, optional
Indicate if figure file is saved and PDF. The default is False.
self.output_ang(cut=cut, data=data, plot=True, save_files=False,
pos=pos, fname=fname, dual_phase=dual_phase,
-------- Import/Export methods --------
def write_abq(self, nodes=None, file=None, path='./', voxel_dict=None, grain_dict=None,
dual_phase=False, thermal=False, units=None,
ialloy=None, nsdv=200):
Writes out the Abaqus deck (.inp file) for the generated RVE. The parameter nodes should be
a string indicating if voxel ("v") or smoothened ("s") mesh should be written. It can also
provide an array of nodal positions. If dual_phase is true, the
generated deck contains plain material definitions for each phase. Material parameters must
be specified by the user. If ialloy is provided, the generated deck material definitions
for each grain. For dual phase structures to be used with crystal plasticity, ialloy
can be a list with all required material definitions. If the list ialloy is shorted than the
number of phases in the RVE, plain material definitions for the remaining phases will
be included in the input deck.
if nodes is None:
if self.mesh.nodes_smooth is not None and 'GBarea' in self.geometry.keys():
logging.warning('\nWarning: No argument "nodes" is given, will write smoothened structure')
nodes = self.mesh.nodes_smooth
faces = self.geometry['GBarea']
ntag = '_smooth'
elif self.mesh.nodes is not None:
logging.warning('\nWarning: No argument "nodes" is given, will write voxelized structure')
nodes = self.mesh.nodes
faces = None
ntag = '_voxels'
raise ValueError('No information about voxelized microstructure. Run voxelize first.')
elif type(nodes) is not str:
faces = None
ntag = '_voxels'
elif nodes.lower() in ['smooth', 's']:
if self.mesh.nodes_smooth is not None and 'GBarea' in self.geometry.keys():
nodes = self.mesh.nodes_smooth
faces = self.geometry['GBarea'] # use tet elements for smoothened structure
ntag = '_smooth'
raise ValueError('No information about smoothed microstructure. Run smoothen first.')
elif nodes.lower() in ['voxels', 'v', 'voxel']:
if self.mesh.nodes is not None:
nodes = self.mesh.nodes
faces = None # use brick elements for voxel structure
ntag = '_voxels'
raise ValueError('No information about voxelized microstructure. Run voxelize first.')
raise ValueError('Wrong value for parameter "nodes". Must be either "smooth" ' +
f'or "voxels", not {nodes}')
if voxel_dict is None:
voxel_dict = self.mesh.voxel_dict
if units is None:
units = self.rve.units
elif (not units == 'mm') and (not units == 'um'):
raise ValueError(f'Units must be either "mm" or "um", not {units}.')
if dual_phase:
nct = 'abq_dual_phase'
if grain_dict is None:
grain_dict = dict()
for i in range(self.nphases):
grain_dict[i] = list()
for igr, ip in self.mesh.grain_phase_dict.items():
grain_dict[ip] = np.concatenate(
[grain_dict[ip], self.mesh.grain_dict[igr]])
if grain_dict is None:
grain_dict = self.mesh.grain_dict
nct = f'abq_px_{len(grain_dict)}'
if ialloy is None:
ialloy = self.rve.ialloy
if type(ialloy) is list and len(ialloy) > self.nphases:
raise ValueError('List of values in ialloy is larger than number of phases in RVE.' +
f'({len(ialloy)} > {self.nphases})')
if self.nphases > 1:
grpd = self.mesh.grain_phase_dict
grpd = None
if file is None:
if self.name == 'Microstructure':
file = nct + ntag + '_geom.inp'
file = self.name + ntag + '_geom.inp'
path = os.path.normpath(path)
file = os.path.join(path, file)
export2abaqus(nodes, file, grain_dict, voxel_dict,
units=units, gb_area=faces,
ialloy=ialloy, grain_phase_dict=grpd,
thermal=thermal, periodic=self.rve.periodic)
# if orientations exist and ialloy is defined also write material file with Euler angles
if not (self.mesh.grain_ori_dict is None or ialloy is None):
writeAbaqusMat(ialloy, self.mesh.grain_ori_dict,
file=file[0:-8] + 'mat.inp',
grain_phase_dict=grpd, nsdv=nsdv)
return file
def write_abq_ori(self, ialloy=None, ori=None, file=None, path='./', nsdv=200):
if ialloy is None:
ialloy = self.rve.ialloy
if ialloy is None:
raise ValueError('Value of material number in ICAMS CP-UMAT (ialloy) not defined.')
if ori is None:
ori = self.mesh.grain_ori_dict
if ori is None:
raise ValueError('No orientations present. Run "generate_orientations" first.')
if file is None:
if self.name == 'Microstructure':
file = f'abq_px_{self.Ngr}_mat.inp'
file = self.name + '_mat.inp'
path = os.path.normpath(path)
file = os.path.join(path, file)
writeAbaqusMat(ialloy, ori, file=file, nsdv=nsdv)
def output_neper(self):
""" Writes out particle position and weights files required for
tessellation in Neper."""
# write_position_weights(timestep)
if self.particles is None:
raise ValueError('No particle to plot. Run pack first.')
print('Writing position and weights files for NEPER', end="")
par_dict = dict()
for pa in self.particles:
x, y, z = pa.x, pa.y, pa.z
a = pa.a
par_dict[pa] = [x, y, z, a]
with open('sphere_positions.txt', 'w') as fd:
for key, value in par_dict.items():
fd.write('{0} {1} {2}\n'.format(value[0], value[1], value[2]))
with open('sphere_weights.txt', 'w') as fd:
for key, value in par_dict.items():
def output_ang(self, ori=None, cut='xy', data=None, plot=True, cs=None,
pos=None, fname=None, matname='XXXX', save_files=True,
dual_phase=False, save_plot=False):
Convert orientation information of microstructure into a .ang file,
mimicking an EBSD map.
If polygonalized microstructure is available, it will be used as data
basis, otherwise or if data='voxels' the voxelized microstructure
will be exported.
If no orientations are provided, each grain will get a random
Euler angle.
Values in ANG file:
phi1 Phi phi2 X Y imageQuality confidenseIndex phase semSignal Fit(/mad)
Output of ang file can be deactivated if called for plotting of slice.
ori : (self.Ngr, )-array, optional
Euler angles of grains. The default is None.
cut : str, optional
Define cutting plane of slice as 'xy', 'xz' or 'yz'. The default is 'xy'.
data : str, optional
Define data basis for plotting as 'voxels' or 'poly'. The default is None.
plot : bool, optional
Indicate if slice is plotted. The default is True.
pos : str or float
Position in which slice is taken, either as absolute value, or as
one of 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'. The default is None.
cs : str, Optional
Crystal symmetry. Default is None
fname : str, optional
Filename of ang file. The default is None.
matname : str, optional
Name of the material to be written in ang file. The default is 'XXXX'
save_files : bool, optional
Indicate if ang file is saved, The default is True.
fname : str
Name of ang file.
if type(ori) is dict:
ori = np.array([val for val in ori.values()])
cut = cut.lower()
if type(pos) is str:
pos = pos.lower()
botlist = ['bottom', 'bot', 'left', 'b', 'l']
toplist = ['top', 'right', 't', 'r']
if cut == 'xy':
sizeX = self.rve.size[0]
sizeY = self.rve.size[1]
(sx, sy, sz) = np.divide(self.rve.size, self.rve.dim)
ix = np.arange(self.rve.dim[0])
iy = np.arange(self.rve.dim[1])
if pos is None or pos in toplist:
iz = self.rve.dim[2] - 1
elif pos in botlist:
iz = 0
elif type(pos) is float or type(pos) is int:
iz = int(pos / sz)
raise ValueError('"pos" must be either float or "top", "bottom", "left" or "right"')
if pos is None:
pos = int(iz * sz)
xl = r'x ($\mu$m)'
yl = r'y ($\mu$m)'
title = r'XY slice at z={} $\mu$m'.format(round(iz * sz, 1))
elif cut == 'xz':
sizeX = self.rve.size[0]
sizeY = self.rve.size[2]
vox_res = np.divide(self.rve.size, self.rve.dim)
sx = vox_res[0]
sy = vox_res[1]
sz = vox_res[2]
ix = np.arange(self.rve.dim[0])
iy = np.arange(self.rve.dim[2])
if pos is None or pos in toplist:
iz = self.rve.dim[1] - 1
elif pos in botlist:
iz = 0
elif type(pos) is float or type(pos) is int:
iz = int(pos / sy)
raise ValueError('"pos" must be either float or "top", "bottom", "left" or "right"')
if pos is None:
pos = int(iz * sz)
xl = r'x ($\mu$m)'
yl = r'z ($\mu$m)'
title = r'XZ slice at y={} $\mu$m'.format(round(iz * sz, 1))
elif cut == 'yz':
sizeX = self.rve.size[1]
sizeY = self.rve.size[2]
vox_res = np.divide(self.rve.size, self.rve.dim)
sx = vox_res[0]
sy = vox_res[1]
sz = vox_res[2]
ix = np.arange(self.rve.dim[1])
iy = np.arange(self.rve.dim[2])
if pos is None or pos in toplist:
iz = self.rve.dim[0] - 1
elif pos in botlist:
iz = 0
elif type(pos) is float or type(pos) is int:
iz = int(pos / sx)
raise ValueError('"pos" must be either float or "top", "bottom", "left" or "right"')
if pos is None:
pos = int(iz * sz)
xl = r'y ($\mu$m)'
yl = r'z ($\mu$m)'
title = r'YZ slice at x={} $\mu$m'.format(round(iz * sz, 1))
raise ValueError('"cut" must bei either "xy", "xz" or "yz".')
# ANG file header
head = ['# TEM_PIXperUM 1.000000\n',
'# x-star 0.000000\n',
'# y-star 0.000000\n',
'# z-star 0.000000\n',
'# WorkingDistance 0.000000\n',
'# Phase 0\n',
'# MaterialName {}\n'.format(matname),
'# Formula\n',
'# Info\n',
'# Symmetry m-3m\n',
'# LatticeConstants 4.050 4.050 4.050 90.000 90.000 90.000\n',
'# NumberFamilies 0\n',
'# ElasticConstants 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000\n',
'# ElasticConstants 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000\n',
'# ElasticConstants 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000\n',
'# ElasticConstants 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000\n',
'# ElasticConstants 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000\n',
'# ElasticConstants 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000\n',
'# Categories0 0 0 0 0\n',
'# \n',
'# GRID: SqrGrid\n',
'# XSTEP: {}\n'.format(round(sx, 6)),
'# YSTEP: {}\n'.format(round(sy, 6)),
'# NCOLS_ODD: {}\n'.format(ix),
'# NCOLS_EVEN: {}\n'.format(ix),
'# NROWS: {}\n'.format(iy),
'# OPERATOR: Administrator\n',
'# SAMPLEID:\n',
'# SCANID:\n',
# determine whether polygons or voxels shall be exported
if data is None:
if 'Grains' in self.geometry.keys():
data = 'poly'
elif self.mesh.voxels is None:
raise ValueError('Neither polygons nor voxels for grains are present.\
\nRun voxelize and generate_grains first.')
data = 'voxels'
elif data != 'voxels' and data != 'poly':
raise ValueError('"data" must be either "voxels" or "poly".')
if data == 'voxels':
title += ' (Voxels)'
if cut == 'xy':
g_slice = np.array(self.mesh.grains[:, :, iz], dtype=int)
elif cut == 'xz':
g_slice = np.array(self.mesh.grains[:, iz, :], dtype=int)
g_slice = np.array(self.mesh.grains[iz, :, :], dtype=int)
if dual_phase:
if cut == 'xy':
g_slice_phase = np.array(self.mesh.phases[:, :, iz], dtype=int)
elif cut == 'xz':
g_slice_phase = np.array(self.mesh.phases[:, iz, :], dtype=int)
g_slice_phase = np.array(self.mesh.phases[iz, :, :], dtype=int)
title += ' (Polygons)'
xv, yv = np.meshgrid(ix * sx, iy * sy, indexing='ij')
grain_slice = np.ones(len(ix) * len(iy), dtype=int)
if cut == 'xy':
mesh_slice = np.array([xv.flatten(), yv.flatten(), grain_slice * iz * sz]).T
elif cut == 'xz':
mesh_slice = np.array([xv.flatten(), grain_slice * iz * sz, yv.flatten()]).T
mesh_slice = np.array([grain_slice * iz * sz, xv.flatten(), yv.flatten()]).T
grain_slice = np.zeros(len(ix) * len(iy), dtype=int)
for igr in self.geometry['Grains'].keys():
pts = self.geometry['Grains'][igr]['Points']
tri = Delaunay(pts)
i = tri.find_simplex(mesh_slice)
ind = np.nonzero(i >= 0)[0]
grain_slice[ind] = igr
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f'An unexpected exception occurred: {e}')
logging.error('Grain #{} has no convex hull (Nvertices: {})'
.format(igr, len(pts)))
if np.any(grain_slice == 0):
ind = np.nonzero(grain_slice == 0)[0]
logging.error('Incomplete slicing for {} pixels in {} slice at {}.'
.format(len(ind), cut, pos))
g_slice = grain_slice.reshape(xv.shape)
if save_files:
if ori is None:
ori = np.zeros((self.Ngr, 3))
ori[:, 0] = np.random.rand(self.Ngr) * 2 * np.pi
ori[:, 1] = np.random.rand(self.Ngr) * 0.5 * np.pi
ori[:, 2] = np.random.rand(self.Ngr) * 0.5 * np.pi
# write data to ang file
fname = '{0}_slice_{1}_{2}.ang'.format(cut.upper(), pos, data)
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
for j in iy:
for i in ix:
p1 = ori[g_slice[j, i] - 1, 0]
P = ori[g_slice[j, i] - 1, 1]
p2 = ori[g_slice[j, i] - 1, 2]
f.write(' {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} 0.0 0.000 0 1 0.000\n'
.format(round(p1, 5), round(P, 5), round(p2, 5),
round(sizeX - i * sx, 5), round(sizeY - j * sy, 5)))
if plot:
# plot grains on slice
# cmap = plt.cm.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
cmap = plt.cm.get_cmap('prism')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.imshow(g_slice, cmap=cmap, interpolation='none',
extent=[0, sizeX, 0, sizeY])
ax.set(xlabel=xl, ylabel=yl)
if save_plot:
plt.savefig(fname[:-4] + '.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=300)
if dual_phase:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.imshow(g_slice_phase, cmap=cmap, interpolation='none',
extent=[0, sizeX, 0, sizeY])
ax.set(xlabel=xl, ylabel=yl)
if save_plot:
plt.savefig(fname[:-4] + '.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=300)
return fname
def write_stl(self, data='grains', file=None, path='./'):
""" Write triangles of convex polyhedra forming grains in form of STL
files in the format
solid name
facet normal n1 n2 n3
outer loop
vertex p1x p1y p1z
vertex p2x p2y p2z
vertex p3x p3y p3z
endsolid name
def write_facet(nv, pts, ft):
if np.linalg.norm(nv) < 1.e-5:
logging.warning(f'Acute facet detected. Facet: {ft}')
nv = np.cross(pts[1] - pts[0], pts[2] - pts[1])
if np.linalg.norm(nv) < 1.e-5:
logging.warning(f'Irregular facet detected. Facet: {ft}')
nv /= np.linalg.norm(nv)
f.write(" facet normal {} {} {}\n"
.format(nv[0], nv[1], nv[2]))
f.write(" outer loop\n")
f.write(" vertex {} {} {}\n"
.format(pts[0, 0], pts[0, 1], pts[0, 2]))
f.write(" vertex {} {} {}\n"
.format(pts[1, 0], pts[1, 1], pts[1, 2]))
f.write(" vertex {} {} {}\n"
.format(pts[2, 0], pts[2, 1], pts[2, 2]))
f.write(" endloop\n")
f.write(" endfacet\n")
def write_grains():
for ft in self.geometry['Facets']:
pts = self.geometry['Points'][ft]
nv = np.cross(pts[1] - pts[0], pts[2] - pts[0]) # facet normal
write_facet(nv, pts, ft)
def write_particles():
for pa in self.particles:
for ft in pa.inner.convex_hull:
pts = pa.inner.points[ft]
nv = np.cross(pts[1] - pts[0], pts[2] - pts[0]) # facet normal
write_facet(nv, pts, ft)
if file is None:
if self.name == 'Microstructure':
file = 'px_{}grains.stl'.format(self.Ngr)
file = self.name + '.stl'
path = os.path.normpath(path)
file = os.path.join(path, file)
with open(file, 'w') as f:
f.write("solid {}\n".format(self.name))
if data in ['particles', 'pa', 'p']:
if self.particles[0].inner is None:
logging.error("Particles don't contain inner polyhedron, cannot write STL file.")
for pa in self.particles:
def write_centers(self, file=None, path='./', grains=None):
"""Write grain center positions into CSV file."""
if file is None:
if self.name == 'Microstructure':
file = 'px_{}grains_centroid.csv'.format(self.Ngr)
file = self.name + '_centroid.csv'
path = os.path.normpath(path)
file = os.path.join(path, file)
if grains is None:
grains = self.geometry['Grains']
with open(file, 'w') as f:
for gr in grains.values():
# if polyhedral grain has no simplices, center should not be written!!!
ctr = gr['Center']
f.write('{}, {}, {}\n'.format(ctr[0], ctr[1], ctr[2]))
def write_ori(self, angles=None, file=None, path='./'):
if file is None:
if self.name == 'Microstructure':
file = 'px_{}grains_ori.csv'.format(self.Ngr)
file = self.name + '_ori.csv'
path = os.path.normpath(path)
file = os.path.join(path, file)
if angles is None:
if self.mesh.grain_ori_dict is None:
raise ValueError('No grain orientations given or stored.')
angles = [val for val in self.mesh.grain_ori_dict.values()]
with open(file, 'w') as f:
for ori in angles:
f.write('{}, {}, {}\n'.format(ori[0], ori[1], ori[2]))
def write_voxels(self, angles=None, script_name=None, file=None, path='./',
mesh=True, source=None, system=False):
Write voxel structure into JSON file.
import platform
import getpass
from datetime import date
from pkg_resources import get_distribution
if script_name is None:
script_name = __file__
if file is None:
if self.name == 'Microstructure':
file = f'px_{self.Ngr}grains_voxels.json'
file = self.name + '_voxels.json'
path = os.path.normpath(path)
file = os.path.join(path, file)
print(f'Writing voxel information of microstructure to {file}.')
# metadata
today = str(date.today()) # date
owner = getpass.getuser() # username
sys_info = platform.uname() # system information
# output dict
structure = {
"Info": {
"Owner": owner,
"Institution": "ICAMS, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany",
"Date": today,
"Description": "Voxels of microstructure",
"Method": "Synthetic microstructure generator Kanapy",
"Model": {
"Creator": "kanapy",
"Version": get_distribution('kanapy').version,
"Repository": "https://github.com/ICAMS/Kanapy.git",
"Input": source,
"Script": script_name,
"Material": self.name,
"Phase_names": self.rve.phase_names,
"Size": self.rve.size,
"Periodicity": str(self.rve.periodic),
"Units": {
'Length': self.rve.units,
"Data": {
"Description": 'Grain numbers per voxel',
"Type": 'int',
"Shape": self.rve.dim,
"Order": 'C',
"Values": [int(val) for val in self.mesh.grains.flatten()],
"Grains": {
"Description": "Grain-related data",
"Orientation": "Euler-Bunge angle",
"Phase": "Phase number"
if system:
structure["Info"]["System"] = {
"sysname": sys_info[0],
"nodename": sys_info[1],
"release": sys_info[2],
"version": sys_info[3],
"machine": sys_info[4],
for igr in self.mesh.grain_dict.keys():
structure["Grains"][int(igr)] = {
"Phase": int(self.mesh.grain_phase_dict[igr])
if angles is None:
if self.mesh.grain_ori_dict is None:
logging.info('No angles for grains are given. Writing only geometry of RVE.')
for igr in self.mesh.grain_ori_dict.keys():
structure["Grains"][igr]["Orientation"] = list(self.mesh.grain_ori_dict[igr])
for i, igr in enumerate(self.mesh.grain_dict.keys()):
structure["Grains"][igr]["Orientation"] = list(angles[i, :])
if mesh:
structure['Mesh'] = {
"Nodes": {
"Description": 'Nodal coordinates',
"Type": 'float',
"Shape": self.mesh.nodes.shape,
"Values": [list(val) for val in self.mesh.nodes],
"Voxels": {
"Description": 'Node list per voxel',
"Type": 'int',
"Shape": (len(self.mesh.voxel_dict.keys()), 8),
"Values": [val for val in self.mesh.voxel_dict.values()],
# write file
with open(file, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(structure, fp)
def pckl(self, file=None, path='./'):
"""Write microstructure into pickle file. Usefull for to store complex structures.
file : string (optional, default: None)
File name for pickled microstructure. The default is None, in which case
the filename will be the microstructure name + '.pckl'.
path : string
Path to location for pickles
import pickle
if file is None:
if self.name == 'Microstructure':
file = 'px_{}grains_microstructure.pckl'.format(self.Ngr)
file = self.name + '_microstructure.pckl'
path = os.path.normpath(path)
file = os.path.join(path, file)
with open(file, 'wb') as output:
pickle.dump(self, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def import_particles(self, file, path='./'):
path = os.path.normpath(path)
file = os.path.join(path, file)
self.simbox, self.particles = read_dump(file)
-------- legacy methods --------
def init_stats(self, descriptor=None, gs_data=None, ar_data=None, porous=False, save_files=False):
""" Legacy function for plot_stats_init."""
logging.warning('"init_stats" is a legacy function and will be depracted, please use "plot_stats_init()".')
self.plot_stats_init(descriptor, gs_data=gs_data, ar_data=ar_data, save_files=save_files)
def output_abq(self, nodes=None, name=None,
voxel_dict=None, grain_dict=None, faces=None,
dual_phase=False, thermal=False, units=None):
""" Legacy function for write_abq."""
logging.warning('"output_abq" is a legacy function and will be depracted, please use "write_abq()".')
if faces is not None:
logging.warning('Parameter "faces" will be determined automatically.')
self.write_abq(nodes=nodes, file=name, voxel_dict=voxel_dict, grain_dict=grain_dict,
dual_phase=dual_phase, thermal=thermal, units=units)